Personal Narrative: My Interview With A Maine State Police Officer

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I decided to interview my mom, who works at the Maine State Police Academy. I thought it would be interesting to learn a little bit more about, since one day I will have to go through it. Her job is secretary at the academy. She does many different things, which can range from making prints, to planning graduation.
This is just a few of her many responsibilities, but she gets a list from each department of all the full-time cadets applying. Then she creates a roster of all the students, and then makes all the handouts, nametags, and handbooks that they need. Then once the academy starts she reports any injuries that the cadets have, and that can range from a hurt finger to having the flu. All the chiefs of the attending cadets, have to be kept up to date on everything they do. So she also sends the chiefs their grades, which are mid-terms and finals. …show more content…

She has to reach out to every department, and find out how many people are attending the graduation. She then has to make sure that every award each cadet gets is uploaded to the Maine Criminal Justice System. Since she has all these different responsibilities, I asked her what her favorite thing about her job was, and she said helping the cadets reach their goal, and working with all the different police departments. Which made me ask what type of law enforcement did she work with, and she said State, Local, Sheriff's departments. Any department that has a cadet studying at the academy.
Since all these cadets are getting trained there I asked her what type of classes there are. The classes included, which were things like, tactile driving, first aid, crowd control, accident scenes and more. I was also wondering how trained are the teachers, and she said they all have to be certified instructors to teach

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