
Personal Narrative: The Punta Cana Vacation

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The Punta Cana Vacation
Have you ever had a vacation where your child does something horrible in public at a swimming pool? A vacation is when one or more people are gone for an extended period of time. When I was four years old me, my mother, my father, my grandpa, and my grandma went to Punta Cana to get away from the cold weather. It has been happening, ever since we left Illinois and Missouri. So, we boarded the plane and took off to Punta Cana, everyone was either taking a nap or watching a movie while the plane was moving. We finally got to Punta Cana after being on the plane for about 4 hours. The first place we went to was the front desk and we found out where our hotel rooms were located. We eventually found it after going up the elevators. …show more content…

I was only four years old. We went to the pool and I decided to bring my rubber lizard that I always loved to play with. My grandpa did not like it when I threw it around and accidentally smacked people with it in the pool. So, he basically took my lizard from me and did not let me have it back. (Years later I finally found out that he actually flung my lizard into a bush). So, I decided to throw a tantrum in the pool and everyone just stared at me in horror and my grandpa said he would only give my favorite lizard back if I stopped crying. Surprisingly, that was not the only thing that was dreadful about that day. When I finally stopped crying, I decided to poop in the pool. As soon as someone saw that, they immediately swam away. My mom quickly jumped in the pool with a cup to scoop the poop. Sadly, I got in trouble by my parents, for throwing a tantrum and for pooping in the pool. I ended up having to take a long time out in a lawn chair. My parents never told anyone about pooping because they did not want to ruin anyone else’s fun time in the pool. After seven days of vacation, it was finally time to pack up and head home. We went back down the elevator. We went to the lobby and checked our hotel rooms out. We waited for our bus to pick us up and then drop us off at the airport. I threw another tantrum on the bus because I still did not have my favorite lizard. When we were waiting in line behind a bunch of people, I decided to have a fit about it because we were stuck there for a long time. So my parents tried to calm me down before things got out of hand. When we got on the plane, I finally settled down long enough to make it through an awesome Diego movie. After the movie, I just took a nap the rest of the way home which was great for my

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