Philosophy Of Conflict Management

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Statement The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate in writing the general understanding of the nature and cause of conflict, while illustrating one 's philosophy of conflict management, describing a ministry conflict case, analyzing the conflict case study Analysis. and to discuss the strategy of mediation. In the 21st century conflict in the world has increase and it context is inescapable, hence it exists everywhere. We reside in a universe when anything goes, where morals and values are not priority anymore, and where opinions are vast, there is certainly no way to avoid conflict in our life. The greatest way to resolve conflict is by utilizing the power of prayer, remain faithful to God, and stay obedience. Each element is a reality …show more content…

We must acknowledge that our emotions are heavily involved in conflict management and our emotions can be dealt with in a proper manner. The procedure and methodology for addressing the deeper problems found in conflict management consists of an individual knowing their own intentions, character, self-awarness, and tendencies, so that the individual can manageable and manufacture unbiased results. The essential components of building a concrete foundation that has personal shaped my philosophy of conflict is to promote and encourage conflict resolution. Conflict resolution entails an ordered method or procedure for conducting a mediation session or an amicable negotiation. We must recognize the conflict, implement an effective plan to take action and productive positive results. To accomplish optimistic results, we must approach each conflict with emulating the behaviors of Jesus Christ. Author Ken Sande says, "When we remember his mercy and draw on his strength, we invariably see things more clearly and respond to conflict more wisely." A logical and systematic approach is necessary for conflict management, so that Christians can improve our ability to balance and manage conflict in a more profound, …show more content…

There are five stages of conflict development I will introduce. First: The implied stage, when the person(s) are not aware of the aware of conflict in progress. Second: The recognized stage is when each party is aware that a conflict now exists. Third: The emotional stage is when anxiety and stress start to show, because the conflict is not resolved yet. Fourth: The illustrated stage, that of which the conflict is observed and manifested. Final conflict development: The impact and chain reaction stage, which consists of the resolution or dissolution of a conflict. From a biblical perception, in (Proverbs 19:11) it teaches us that our wisdom yields patience. In conflict development, we must utilize our cognitive consciousness focus on the when, why, and how to negotiate conflict. Utilizing this

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