
Pittsburgh Faison: Diversity In The Classroom

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1. Pittsburgh Faison is an elementary school that is a part of the Pittsburgh Public school district. The school is located in the small town of Homewood (by Wilkinsburg) within Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The school Pittsburgh Faison has many characteristics that make it different from other schools. Within the school, there is a total of 511 students in the whole school (school is from Kindergarten to 5th grade). Out of those 511 students 252 students are male and 259 are female. Also, 95% of the students are African American, 4% are multi- racial, 1% is American Indian, and there are 2 students that are Caucasian and 1 student that is Hispanic. 68 % of the students receive free and reduced lunches and 32% of the students receive regular lunches. …show more content…

Within my classroom, all of the students are African American and all but 2 of the students receive free/reduced lunches. The students all speak English as a first language, but a few of the students speak slang within the classroom and in their writing. This is a trend that we are trying to break within the classroom, especially at this age. My classroom has almost an even amount of boys and girls, 10 boys and 11 girls. There are 3 students in the class that have an IEP due to a speech impediment and 1 of these students also was diagnosed as other health impaired. This is the student’s second year in kindergarten. Two of the students in my class are on the detainment list for next school year because their cognitive progression is not enough to move onto 1st grade. About have of the students in my class attended an early learning center before kindergarten but there was only 1 student that came into kindergarten knowing her numbers 1-10 and some of the letters of the alphabet. By December there were 15 students that knew all of the letters and letter sounds, but as of March there is still 1 student that does not know all of her letters and sounds. 17 of the students in the class can identify all of their 2D shapes (including star, heart, rhombus, hexagon, circle, square, triangle, and rectangle). All of the students can identify the numbers 1-20 and they all know their colors. The students are now working on segmenting words and learning sight words. This unit will begin the students’ study on 3D

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