
Pros And Cons Of Clinical Trials

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Clinical trials are systems of experiments that allow physicians to safely test out potential solutions for incurable diseases on human subjects in a controlled environment for a certain period of time. These trials also allow physicians test the efficiency of the current approved treatments. Clinical trials consist of clinicians splitting human subjects with the study’s desired disease into two groups, experimental and control group; this lets physicians successfully compare the effects of a certain treatment versus not having the treatment. In order to get clear results with a limited chance of scientific error the participants must be distributed fairly and equally amongst groups. The most popular way of doing this is by randomizing the …show more content…

To assuage the publics’ fears it is universally stressed that all researchers conducting major experiments on human subjects must give explicit informed consent to all participants. Before any experiment can be performed participants must be fully aware of what is going to take place within the study. Subjects must know that the research process is completely voluntary; clinicians cannot force them into something they are not comfortable with. If subjects want to go through a trial they must know the purpose of the study and how long it will be held. The clinicians in charge must fully explain the pros and cons of becoming involved in a study. Participants must be warned of all the potential problems that can arise during the study such as additional costs, extra procedures, and or extra treatments needed. Having informed consent sounds nice and sweet but that was not always the case; for a long time physicians had a problem with giving consent because they felt that it only complicated the matter of the study by adding more bias views to the study slowing down the research progress. Some physicians feel that it is their job to use good judgement to recommend treatments that are best for their patients; that being said, physicians would not recommend doing a clinical trial if it was not good for them. On the other hand patients feel that the people involved in the study should be able to choose what goes on in their lives especially when they are being used as research “guinea pigs”. Today it is highly recommended that clinicians work with their patients throughout the study to constantly reaffirm each individuals’ goals in the study; it is key that they do this to make sure that patients understand the research process. Patients became more open

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