
Reflection About Fashion

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Heraclitus once stated “the only thing that is constant, is change.”, nothing exemplifies fashion more than this statement. As a person that is constantly demanding herself to grow and change, fashion is the one thing that can keep up with me. It is the only constant in my life that I have a stable relationship with, due to its shape shifting nature which resembles mine. A part of change for me was always aspiring to be bigger, better, and bolder; I apply all of those concepts when it comes to fashion and design. In addition, fashion and creation were always a form of escapism for me as it didn’t cage me in ways; the freedom that came along with self-expression was a form of liberty I never knew I could experience. I was always a self-aware …show more content…

Yes, I lived in a very fashionable country, but there was always some form of disconnect with everyone else, and a boundary I couldn’t cross. Girls were always prim and proper, never having a strand of hair out of place; boys with their neatly rolled up sleeves never taking a risk with dirty combat boots and ripped up jeans. For the reason, I never had the freedom to express who I was. To me being a girl in a conservative society, there was only so much I could do in terms of expressing my personality. Fashion was a form of escape for me; dressing up as another character for a day, putting on a dreamy display for the world. For that reason, I found comfort in something so simple, yet so loud and grand in terms of expressiveness. Looking up to my mother for inspiration when I was a kid, it was a more classic and conservative look I tended to follow. For instance, I would go into her closet and try on her Ferragamo heels that were a tad too big on me, or her set of pearl necklaces that made me feel like a fancy woman attending a tea party. Those first memories of playing with fashion left my mark on me wanting to discover more of that world. As I grew up, my more rebellious side started to show; I always wanted to dress up in an outrageous way, dyed my hair to show that as I was as free as the strands on my head flowing in bustling winds. On account of rebellion, conformity was …show more content…

My reasons for wanting to study design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts is due to wanting to challenge myself when it came to creativity. Creativity came to me naturally, as I was a kid that had an enormous imagination. Enrolling in this masters program will allow me to unleash this creativity, and take initiative into stepping in the fashion industry. An integral characteristic of fashion is to know all aspects of fashion rather than just one. Therefore, a masters program like this will integrate all ingredients of the fashion world to prepare me to establish my own brand. I have a portfolio of designs that have accumulated for years, and I felt that now is the time for me to explore that interest as I love creating, and being hands-on. My mind is full of bold designs and I would love to execute those ideas. To me fashion is about telling a story through every collection you produce; its creating a fantasy for a season, the moving onto another dimension with new waves of ideas. Being able to create a story through design is being able to express who I am as a person, because fashion to me isn’t just about clothing its about assimilating a lifestyle. The brand you intend to produce is about reflecting your personal aesthetic, and in hopes to find a loyal niche that connects with you on a deeper level than just buying your designs. Fashion design is about creating a

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