
Reflection On Coaching Session

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Reflection is a necessary component in learning to regulate opinion, feelings, and actions. Reflection links experience and knowledge by providing an opportunity to explore areas of concern in a critical way and to make adjustments based on these reflections (Knowles Z., Tyler G., 2006). I will be using the Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods (Davies S., 2012).
For this assignment, we were asked to conduct coaching sessions in groups of three with our colleagues for two months and draft a reflective essay on our experience. I hope this reflective essay will help me understand the in-depth concepts of coaching while helping me interact and respond better to people in different situations. …show more content…

I carried out a pre-discussion stage with the person to establish a level of comfort and cooperation. Once I realized that the coachee was more open to discussing potential options for the goal of the coaching session. The session took place in stages once the coachee was ready. The key stages in the session were the agreed objectives
A related skill to effective communication is that of questioning, for instance, using open-ended questions, to use intense and insightful questions to challenge clarity, discovery or learn more about the client, use questions that will enable the client to advance toward desired goals. Coaches should examine their experiences, by looking for meaning when asking ‘why’ questions (Denison, 2007). This experience allowed me to develop and see the importance of having interpersonal skills which deals with things, such as, providing a safe environment for the client, treating the client as an equal in the coaching process, allowing them to pick their own tempo for accomplishment of desired goals, during sessions remain neutral, and use positive thought, words and action during the relationship (Mitchell, J., July 27, …show more content…

This helped me acknowledge I can be empathic with people in diverse circumstances without being judgemental. I also perceived that I appreciated attempting to help people by provoking their own instincts though solicitous but incisive questioning. I had a tough time with the uncomfortable silences while waiting for a reaction from the coachee, I feel I did not give enough time to the coachee to think about things before I went into other questions. Giving for reflection in the session is portrayed as being vital in coaching by Dembkowski, Eldridge, Hunter (2006, p. 49). “A moment of silence is often helpful for the client to dive into his emotions and think about a specific topic or circumstances.” From what I have practiced this statement is correct but it is very difficult to accomplish this as a new coach. This might happen to me because of being nervous and doubtful of my own level of ability for coaching. I feel that I can have a tendency to talk and try and assume what the coachee must feel when I am nervous or to just fill a void of silence. I tried to stick to the model this occasionally I felt like the model was restricting the conversation. This model is best utilized with a light touch and as a source of perspective should you get stuck. So, I should have

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