Robinson Crusoe Realism Essay

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EL 101 Into to Fiction
The Novel form Robinson Crusoe
The form of a novel is not set concept, it forever changing in structure and format. There are no specific rules when creating a novel. The novel can be mixed with anything and as a result be anything it wants. There are some of the small restrictions that comes with novels. There must be a plot which contains characters in a developing story. The novel can concentrate on the point of view of one or more characters. A novel can create a resistance between romance and realism. It offers window into the past. A collection of made up images. The novel as a form can also be influenced by genre e.g. comedy, romance, adventure etc. The context can be influenced by the year the author was born …show more content…

In Defoe’s novel, realism takes three forms. In reference to the beginning of novel Crusoe’s father offers Crusoe an easy life in the middle station. Readers mainly being middle class, are able to relate to this aspect, which draws people. Being able to relate to Crusoe give readers a glimpse into the extraordinary. The second form of realism is the opposite its where Crusoe pulls the ordinary into the extraordinary. While on the island, Crusoe applied his old life to life on the island. He made a home, built furniture and farmed bring the everyday to the island. Finally, the most important is Crusoe’s journal which was created from real …show more content…

The first code is ‘the proairetic code’ which is clearly evident in Crusoe. This code shows the undertaking of actions. ‘The hermenic code ‘is the second code which highlights a series of question that builds suspense around the narrative. For example, Crusoe arrives on the island which poses a long list questions such as How will he survive? Is he under threat from savages or beasts? Will he ever escape? Etc. Thirdly, ‘The cultural code’. This code accumulates common knowledge from outside of the

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