Role Of Parents In Children's Development

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2.5.3 Solutions according to ancient scriptures: Role of parents in children’s development according to scriptures It can be easily understood how the orphans are deprived of, by understanding the role of parents, family and society in every stage of children’s growth and development, as described below. The following śloka from Manusmṛti describes the importance of parenting in the education of children. उपाध्यायान्दशाचार्य आचार्याणां शतं पिता । सहस्त्रं तु पितॄन्माता गौरवेणातिरिच्यते ॥ (मनुस्मृति १।१४५) Upādhyāyāndaśācārya Ācāryāṇāṁ Śataṁ Pitā | Sahastraṁ Tu Pitṝnmātā Gauraveṇātiricyate || (Manusmṛti 2|145) “One Ācharya is better than ten Upādhyayas; a father is greater than hundred Ācharyas but a mother is greater …show more content…

It is something that we want to keep as a standard for judging ourselves and the rest of the world. It is our values that drive us to act in certain ways to lead a certain life style and to shun certain habits. Each of us has a unique value system actually almost as unique as our fingerprints. Because a value system is not just something that is passed down from parents or learnt through behavior in schools etc. it is fine-tuned and developed through personal experiences, in combination with the values that our immediate society (the social circle in which we live and the people with whom we interact) lends to us. The new born is considered partially autonomous, in the sense of having specific gunas. The very specificity of the gunas constellation imposes certain limits on socialization of the child. The nature of an individual’s first relationship, i.e. with his mother, profoundly influences the quality and dynamics of social relations throughout his life. The mother’s sensory presence is vital importance for the infant’s earliest development experiences and …show more content…

Though India has been invaded by many foreigners, the Santana Dharma is still alive and intact as it was long long ago; and for this joint family is one of the main contributors. Joint family helps not only in maintaining the cultural identity of the society/community but also ensures smooth transitioning & continuity of the culture from one generation to next. The customs, traditions, beliefs, values, ideologies are handed over from generation to generation flawlessly. Members are publicly known less with the individual identity and more by family names. Joint family provides a beautiful and unique social security - both material and psychological. Shared responsibilities result in minimal concern over the basics of life, money, food, shelter and clothing. Because of joint family concepts, individuals with no parents or no father or no mother, never felt like ‘orphan’ in earlier society. They were taken care of nicely by joint

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