Mary Ainsworth Essays

  • Mary Ainsworth Attachment Theory

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    Woeller Psychology 101 Mary Ainsworth Born in Glendale, Ohio, as the oldest of three sisters, Mary Dinsmore Ainsworth was born in the December of 1913. She was the oldest of three sisters. In 1929 Ainsworth was one of four students to achieve an honors degree in psychology from the University of Toronto. She later went on to Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, where she took employment. She married Leonard Ainsworth in 1950—the couple moved to London, England, where Ainsworth was granted a research

  • Ap Psychology Mary Ainsworth

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    Homework #3 Mary Ainsworth was a very influential figure in the field of psychology. Not only did she focus on the scientific study of love, but she also looked at how this theory developed. Mary’s lifelong process looked at the origins and nature of attachments between the interactions of infants and their primary caregivers. Going off of Harry Harlow’s research with Rhesus monkeys, it was discovered that attachments were formed with the primary caregiver because of the comfort that is provided

  • Mary Ainsworth Case Study

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    Mary Dinsmore Ainsworth AMRC Mary Ainsworth carried out the Strange Situation Procedure with the aim to investigate how infants aged 12-18 months were attached to their mothers. In order to achieve this, she asked approximately 100 middle-class American families with 12 to 18-month-year-old infants raised at home to undergo eight different three-minute phases. It would begin with the experimenter introducing the mother and the infant to the experiment room. This phase would last less than one minute

  • Bowlby And Ainsworth Attachment Theory

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    development of a person is a highly studied area within psychology and human services, with a focus on the causes and impacts. Attachment can be both a positive and negative experience that differs from each person and phase of life. Both Bowlby and Ainsworth conducted studies to present the concept of ‘attachment theory’ and how this is demonstrated over a person’s lifespan. It gives professionals and carers the information to why people present the way they do and the insight in how to improve outcomes

  • John Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment Essay

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    Attachment is a basic concept that affects people’s mental health in various different ways, especially in the subject of psychology. Attachment is defined as building blocks which basically founded between infants and caregivers and also it is mutual, enduring tie between two people each of whom conduces to the quality of the relationship in human’s life span. If we look from evolutionary perspective, foundations of babiy’s attachment is include to guaranteeing to baby’s both psychosocial and physical

  • Gender Differences: Different Types Of Attachment

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    test. The SS test is not a diagnostic tool and the attachment classifications are not clinically diagnosed. This is just an experiment designed by Mary Ainsworth to test her hypothesis which suggests that the important factor that determines what type of attachment the baby will have is the degree of sensitivity shown by the mother or caregiver. Ainsworth and Bell first conducted the strange situation

  • Essay On Attachment Theory

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    Since the ‘50s, Bowlby worked alone and with distinguished colleagues such as psychoanalyst James Robertson, ethologist/zoologist Robert Hinde and psychologist Mary Ainsworth on several different studies. Bowlby suggested that due to the attachment between children and their carers, children suffer loss when they are separated. Bowlby’s study with the ethologist Robert Hinde, inspired the idea that certain attachment

  • What Is Attachment Theory

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    (1907-1990) is the child psychiatrist behind the development of attachment theory. Since the ‘50s, Bowlby worked alone and with distinguished colleagues such as psychoanalyst James Robertson, ethologist/zoologist Robert Hinde and psychologist Mary Ainsworth on several different studies. Bowlby suggested that due to the attachment between children and their carers, children suffer loss when they are separated. Bowlby’s study with the ethologist Robert Hinde, inspired the idea that certain attachment

  • Parenting Styles And Attachment

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    Drawing on relevant psychological theories and research this assignment will exploit the impact of parenting on children 's social and emotional development. Parenting styles and attachment will be the key areas of focus. This assignment will concentrate on permissive parenting, authoritarian parenting and authoritative parenting and how these parenting styles influence the social and emotional development of the child. The emotional aspect of development relates to a child or adolescent understanding

  • Evolution Of Attachment Theory

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    influence until the collaboration by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (nee Salter). This theory was formulated by John Bowlby and then with further input it was elaborated by Mary Ainsworth. It seems as if this theory has originated from a base on ethological theories, the study of animal and human as they evolved; psychoanalytic perspective where the mother-child relationship was analyzed and; cognitive where the self and others are examined. Mary Main an American who is a psychologist and a professor

  • Comparing Bowlby And Ainsworth's Attachment Theory

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    The works of British psychologist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist John Bowlby, and Canadian developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth revolutionized the idea of attachment. Bowlby came up with the basic ideas on child attachment and their ties to the caregiver, and Ainsworth developed the way we test the attachment of infants in a observational measure she coined the “The strange situation”. This test is now an accepted way of assessing and measuring an infant’s level of attachment to the primary

  • Bowlby Attachment Theory Essay

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    One of the main theories in Developmental psychology is the attachment theory that was devised by Bowlby (1969) and was added to in 1973, by Mary Ainsworth. The attachment theory surrounds the bond between a primary care giver and a baby. They believe that attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space. In 1930 Bowlby worked as a psychiatrist in a children’s unit, where he treated many emotionally disturbed children, this lead him to consider

  • Attachment Theory Of Attachment

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    affectionate bond between two individuals that endures through space and time and serves to join them emotionally”.(Butler.I, Hickman.C ,2011, pg 14) Attachment theory is the theory of how infant and caregiver bond from the works of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (Ainsworth & Bowlby, 1991 ).They use the approachs from animal behaviour, how people communicate, how infants process information, how people change over their life , and the unconscious mind. Attachment is “not synonymous with love or affection; it

  • Relationship Between Child And Caregiver: Direct Core Of The Attachment Theory

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    Slide 1 Slide 2 Early interactions between child and caregiver are the direct core of the attachment theory. The bond that develops between them is the nucleus of the identity formation as well as interpersonal attitudes. According to John Bowlby, the attachment bond is a complex behavioral system that functions throughout human evolution. It protects the infant from danger by seeking security from a guardian. With security from the guardian the likelihood of survival are enhanced as well as possible

  • Erikson's Eight Stages Of Psychosocial Development

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    As babies, depending on others is an essential part of life. Babies need food, shelter, protection and nurturance, which is provided by the caregiver. “According to Erikson, this extended period results in the first stage of psychosocial development being centered on forming a sense of trust” (Papalia & Martorell, 2015, p. 171). Stated in Erikson’s eight stages of psyhchosocial development, babies first challenge involves in forming a basic sense of trust versus mistrust. Trust allows a baby to feel

  • Lifespan Development: Attachment Theory

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    Edelstein, & Fraley, 2012; Drewery, 2011) For instance, he stated that people with early attachment insecurity, are more susceptible to psychological issues such as high anxiety and riskier health behaviour (Bretherton, 1992; Cooper, et al., 2008). Ainsworth, also believed in prominence on early experiences of attachment. This alludes to her study, the Strange Situation, which focuses on children’s responses to separation and reunion events with their parents (Bretherton, 1992; Main, 2000). She stated

  • Attachment Definition

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    the help of their caregiver. Thus this goes into the idea of attachment, and the various forms that come along with it. Robert Karen explores these attachment relationships using the results of experiments such as the Strange Situation done by Mary Ainsworth and Harry Harlow’s research with monkeys. In LeVine and Norman’s article, they break down the assumptions that Karen makes off of American studies and instead investigate the analyses made by Klaus and Karin Grossmann, who study a group of German

  • John Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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    importance of attachment in early childhood and the security formed can result in certain social and behaviour characteristics. As a child develops its independence the attachment behaviour become less prominate leading to a social mature relationship. Ainsworth (1989) suggest that it never disappears and that adolescences and young adult still rely on their parent in these roles. Bowlby (1979) it is a mistake to assume as some psychoanalysts do, that the presence of attachment behaviour in adult life is

  • The Strange Situation Essay

    391 Words  | 2 Pages

    There have been numerous studies performed, both in the past and present, that provide researchers with information in the field of psychology. Many of these studies involve human participants, such as classic studies like the Strange Situation, the Study of Obedience, and the Stanford Prison Experiment. While there are potential benefits to including human participants in psychological research, the ethics behind the involvement of people in such studies, including the abovementioned studies, can

  • Evaluate John Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment

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    Everyone forms attachments. Starting with parents, to friends and even animals. It is the emotional bond between two people, usually between the caregiver and infant. A process that takes time, which leads to specific behavioural activities like clinging and proximity-seeking. According to John Bowlby, a British researcher, all these attachments made throughout life can be traced back to the right kind of maternal presence had during the first three years of life, also known as the critical period