
School Counselor Strengths

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It happened five years ago as I sat in a crowded library study room with my fellow classmates at the University of Sheboygan in Sheboygan, WI. We were studying for our final exams for one of the toughest classes we had ever taken. What is this class you might be asking yourself? The class I am referring to is an Introduction to Psychology. After weeks of hard work and dedication I passed this challenging class with an A. This was one of my proudest achievements. I didn’t know back then, but psychology would become a huge part of my life. After graduating from UW-Sheboygan with my associate’s degree, I transferred over to UW-Oshkosh. I was struggling to pick a major so I decided to take a class designed to help students choose a major. One of our assignments was to take the strong interest inventory test. My number one result was a family/marriage counselor. After taking a few psychology classes I decided this was the right major for me. Fast …show more content…

I would bring a good amount of strengths with me to this program. I have excellent listening skills which is an important strength to have in any counseling position. Listening skills have developed through years of schooling and on the job training. I currently work as a phone representative, and it is very important to have good listening skills so the customer knows they are the number one priority; just like a client should know they are the number one priority. A second strength I possess is I’m a friendly person. This strength has developed through the amount of good influences I have had in my life. I use this skill every day at work and in my personal life. The last skill I will discuss is I have excellent communication skills. This strength has developed through years of giving presentations in school, and on the job training. Effective communication skills can help convey important messages and can help gain someone’s

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