Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos

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Should animals be let back in the wild and not kept behind bars? Should animals be allowed to embrace their natural instincts? Wouldn’t it be fair if the animals got to experience the world too? The debate on whether or not animals should be kept in a zoo has always been a conflict. One would think animals like being in a zoo, ordinarily animals don’t. To an animal, a zoo feels like a prison they can’t escape out of. So, consequently if zoos were to release animals back into the wild, the animals would feel lost and not know what to do. Because they relied on the zoo for so long. Nevertheless, animals don’t feel like they are in their natural habitat. Even with all the necessities that zoos provide. Although keeping animals in zoos have kept the animals protected, animals should be out in the wilderness which is their natural habitat because it gives the animals a place to feel free, the animals can embrace their natural instincts, and the animals get to experience the circle of life and everything that comes with it.
Animals should be out in the wilderness which is their natural habitat because it gives the animals a place to feel free. According to PETA, an organization opposing zoos, states that the “homes” in the zoos which hold the animals, are only meeting the animals basic needs. Although many zoos around the world have made the cages big enough to meet the needs of the animals nevertheless, the animals don’t get to experience the outside world behind the bars. The

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