Career Election Essay

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Career election/
It is necessary to know what were the reasons teacher had to choose the career to comprehend their motivation. In this inquiry were found two factors that influenced teachers to choose teaching as a job; vocation and work opportunities. The former is related to the nature of teaching which is the desire of share knowledge (REF)as professor Daniel states:
“There are many reasons that motivates me to teach, firstly, I see the teaching job as a way to transmit knowledge to someone else. Another reason of why I´m a teacher is that I can be part of the academic formation of people…”

The sense of vocation is part of teacher´s identity, it “provides them sense of purpose” (Day & Qing 2009: 26). Four out of six teacher declares that …show more content…

2 out of 6 teachers explained that there was no a call or a dream what makes them to choose the teaching career but the lack of opportunities to work in the field they wanted.
Teacher Eliza explained:
It was not something that I planned, it came alone. I graduated from the BA specialized in the translation area, but before I graduated, I found the opportunity to work as a teacher in a Kindergarten. When I finished the BA I had not found work as a translator and due to better chances to work as a teacher, I began to shape my profile to teaching.

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