
Group Therapy: Are Leaders Born Or Made?

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Wong cites a “3 Ps” mnemonic as being key ingredients for defining a leader; a leader is a Person who influences People toward attaining a given Purpose (Wong, 2007). A closer dissection of this definition by the student leads to the suggestion of a hypothesis that a leader ought to be part the group which, is united by a common factor from whence he/she can then sway the group in the direction that would benefit collective individual aspirations and or overall organisation objectives. This assertion is confirmed from literature on substance abuse therapy particularly focusing on group therapy that cites that a leader of a group needs to identify with recurrent themes in the group in order to sway those undergoing therapy in a positive direction (towards rehabilitation) (Pollack & Slan , 1995). …show more content…

For the purposes of clarity and in order not to digress, the student opines that leaders are made- are a result of experience, grounding through formal study of key management and leadership principles (such as those acquired in this module) and through observation. This assertion plays heavily in distinguishing between successful leaders and less notable ones (the former probably deriving success through innate qualities that feature in arguments of proponents of leaders being born). In congruence to the student’s suggestion, Jago lends credence by stating that leadership is a never ending process and that to be a good leader, one ought to study, learn, experience and act to perfect it (Jago,

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