Technology Changing Culture Essay

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As evolution takes place, life changes though those generations that have lived and of those that are coming. The modern technology has been evolving and has changed lives, cultures from back in the stone age to the twenty first century we live in today. The modern actions have lead to change in culture, the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. The modern art of culture has been built by the past generations and in slowly being demolished in the modern world we live in today. The modern world has allowed us to connect with different people and backgrounds that have caused an increase in cultural diversity.(Anaphora) Culture is slowly dying in changes of tradition, style and evoking media these changes have affected number of majority cultures.
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We see that media gives a lot of information about different cultures and heritages which would have been impossible for use many years ago. The media has affected the way we think in the world we live in we understand more everyday about different cultures as we continue to advance in the modern world. The media has changed the culture with people seeing other cultures images they would never dare to think they started to think. For example clothing because of the media the clothing in one's culture has started to change because some people see the images on the media which make them think they want to look like this and why should they continue to wear their culture clothing styles. People around the world are starting to see what the media has to offer and the variety of information which had been difficult to get a hold of one hundred years ago has become very simple for people now days. Which has affected how people think and see things making affect their own culture and

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