
Principal Leadership Theory

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The main aim of this section is to review the current the theoretical studies and concepts in the areas of leadership, staff motivation, job satisfaction, leadership styles, distributed leadership styles, influence of leadership style, principal's leadership style and teachers' effectiveness, and teachers' job satisfaction as affected by principal's leadership style. Each theme will be discussed to elucidate the theoretical foundation for conceptual approach of this study. Leadership Theories This literature review aims to compile an evolving schools of thought on various leadership styles and theories. Early theories discussed the characteristics and behaviours of leaders which later evolved to the roles of followers and the …show more content…

However, it is important for leaders not to hurry in order to secure or control the responses of other staff members. These leaders must recognise that emotions of individuals can change from one situation to another. By using their emotional intelligence, these leaders can deal easily with the stress for some wrong decisions made by the members that might have led to poor outcomes (Feather 2009). Leadership-central. com (2015) categorized various theories of leadership which have been the source of numerous studies by philosophers, researchers and professors. Table 1 presents the various theories of leadership, which include : The Great Man Theory, 1840; Trait Theory, 1930's-1940's; Behavioural Theories , 1940's-1950's; Contingency Theories, 1960's; Transactional Leadership, 1970's and Transformational Leadership, 1970's. The proponents, year, name of theory and description of the theory are described …show more content…

Fred Fiedler, Paul Hersey, and Ken Blanchard, Robert House 1960's Contingency Theories This theory argues that there is no single way of leading and that every leadership style should be based on certain situations. Max Weber, Bernard Bass,. 1970's Transactional leadership Theories This theory is characterized by a transaction made between the leader and the followers. This means, it values a positive and mutually beneficial relationship. James MacGregor Burns, Bernard M. Bass 1970's Transformational Leadership Theories The theory states that this process is by which a person interacts with others and is able to create a solid relationship that results in a high percentage of trust. Staff Motivation As defined, motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors among individuals. This means that what causes a person to act, is called motivation. Motivating factors include achievement advancement, autonomy, personal growth, recognition, responsibility, and the work itself. In short, motivation are forces that activate behavior which involve the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive factor. In everyday usage, the term motivation is frequently used to describe why a person does something

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