Valuable Life Skills Research Paper

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Increasing Sleep Helps Teens Develop Valuable Life Skills
It’s Graduation Day. 400 students gather in a gymnasium to celebrate setting off into the world. However, some of them aren’t ready. For the past 12 years they have been developing habits without even realizing what is was really doing to them. This happens to you too, and you don’t realize it either. But what if we can change it? There is one simple way to do this. Increasing the amount of sleep a teen gets will increase their ability to develop valuable life skills.
Some might say, “This isn’t a real issue. Teens are just lazy and they don’t want to have to get up and go to school like they should.” But this is not the case. Losing sleep is a true issue, and gaining more will increase their success in life. …show more content…

Alice Park quoted in Study: Kids Who Get More Focused, Emotionally Stable Kids, “If being deprived of sleep leads to a drop in attention in class, children may miss out on learning and on opportunities to be creative.” (para. 7) If students don’t get enough sleep, they are tired (duh), but many won’t want to come to school at all. That is an issue. Even if they do show up, often they will fall asleep in the middle of class and miss important information. This also teaches them that they can miss school whenever they feel tired, which is not the case. School isn’t a suggestion, it’s a requirement. Students who lacked sleep were also proven to have behavioral issues. “Researchers asked parents to allow the children to sleep as they normally would to establish a baseline — those who were deprived of an hour’s sleep had worse scores on behavior measures than those who were allowed to sleep an hour more.” (qtd in para. 4) The brain has certain functions it must have in order to make the body work successfully. However, it can’t perform the tasks it needs to without energy from

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