
Walt Disney Studios Vs Faden Analysis

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This trial is on Walt Disney Studios vs. Faden on the work Professor faden made to inform people on copyright, fair use and infringement. They are battling over copyright and fair use on this video. Walt Disney Studios claims that Faden’s work is copyrighted and is suing for infringement. But Professor Faden claims that he followed all the rules on copyright and he thinks it is fair use. “ Defendence you make take your stands,”The judge says in an assertive voice. So, then the case has begun. Its started with Plaintiff side. Walt disney studios have claimed that the video Fair(y) use tale infringes Disney 's copyright. They claim that this video has not the right amount and to many clips used in the clip that Professor faden has made. They also claims that the effect of …show more content…

Now it 's time for Professor Faden to tell his side of the case he thinks his video is fair use over copyright and doesn 't think he should get sued over this. Faden’s movie he has made is fair use in many way. He never took the concept of the creator 's work. And is also non-infringing because his video is used for education. It’s used in education by teaching people about fair use, what can and cannot be fair use. Faden 's video he has made is fair use for the reason it is used for educational purposes. So the purpose of this remix is to educate viewers about fair use. Walt disney studios also claimed that it was using this video for profit. But faden wasn 't, he didn 't use this video for money and isn 't being sold for money. So, the purpose is completely not infringing Walt disney studios work. This remix also does not substitute for the original Disney Works in any conceivable market, which means it is not market harm as well. The supporting material found to show fair use in this because the Disney studios claim that they have more cups shown and that is copyrighted, but the copyrighted rules say that the

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