
Why Do Hand Sanitizer Kill Bacteria

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“In this experiment, the scientific method will be used to answer a specific question. After the question has been posted, the next step is to develop a scientific hypothesis (Stroud 3).” The question that this experiment address is whether or not hand sanitizer will actually kill the bacteria, Staphylococcus epidernidis. The objective was to determine if hand sanitizers inhibit the growth of S. epidermidis and to see if it is effective.

Materials & Methods “The experimental design should consist of two groups: The control group and the experimental group (Stroud 4).” The experimental group contain a disk with hand sanitizer while the control will just contain a blank disk.
To begin the experiment, students obtained a Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) plate, and labeled the bottom of the TSA plate …show more content…

As shown in the graph below there is an overlap between the 2 error bars which mean there is no significance difference between the treatments.
The objective of the experiment was to determine if hand sanitizer inhibit the growth of the bacteria and to see if it is effectively kills bacteria. Based on the experiment, it was determined that hand sanitizer does not prevent bacterial growth.
When the hypothesis test was performed, the 2 error bars do overlap, which means that the H˳ failed to reject and there is no significant difference between the 2 treatments, which means that the population of the treatments could be the same because they contain some of the range of numbers. The result only partially proved that the hypothesis fail to reject that hand sanitizers does not prevent bacterial growth. Other factors could have taken place that might have influenced the results of the experiment. “Only repeatable observations and experiments are accepted as valid contributions (Stroud

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