Why Is It Important To Be A Healthy Lifestyle Essay

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The easy access to information through Internet lets people know more about different matters. Every time it is more common that the young people have knowledge and awareness about the importance of having a healthy life and the positive effects that it has. A lot of young people use to dedicate a piece of the day to make physical activities, eat healthy and read about fitness. Fitness is a life style which requires regularly training, a good diet and adequate rest. If the young people want to see positive results, they cannot abuse of any substance such as alcohol, tobacco and hallucinogenic. However, the social networks show a stereotype of person dedicated to personal care that many young people want to imitate, but most of them do not have the knowledge or a correct guide to be like those models. So, it is time to ask ourself: is the interest of young people in fitness due to real care about their physical health or is it just a fashion influence? To start being a fitness person it is a necessary to change your mindset to have a healthy life keeping in mind the diet, the rest and the new lifestyle. The diet is the food that we consume and the food habits that we gain …show more content…

It is notable that many people know about the importance of having a fitness lifestyle additionally, some people take selfies in the gym and make videos about workout routines to get them on their social networks. Consequently, some people become compulsive fitness fanatic with videos and photos about what they eat, the calories that they lose in the gym or the food calories. If you are aware of having a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy it without obsessing about it and not following a fashion. We agree that we should have a healthy life for wellness and life quality, but we should avoid falling into

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