Why Our Borders Should Be Open To All People

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Should the borders of the country be open to all people? Our borders should be open to all people because they can help the economy in multiple ways! For one, immigrants and refugees can help contribute to the population and economic growth. Another reason why our borders should be open to all people is because they want to live better lives. These are just a few reasons why people should be allowed to cross our borders. To begin with, our borders should be open to all people because they can help support our economy. The article states, “Small Towns and rural areas across the United States, have been losing people since 2010. In many areas, though, refugees have been able to offset and reverse the losses”, (Businesses Need Refugees, Lines 7-8. org). Bringing refugees to the U.S. is one of the best ways to stop the population decline. They will help fill in entry- level jobs which will help the town make more money. Many towns across the country are doing the same thing to deal with aging populations. To add on, refugees can also help add diversity …show more content…

The article says, “Immigrants Are Humans Too. For many of them, their journey to the U.S. was a search of safety and hope.” (Kusler). Many immigrants want to give better support for their families but some people want to deport them because they think they are criminals. This makes most immigrants to live in fear. “The second is the fear immigrants themselves have. They are afraid of being sent home, of their families being split up, of losing their jobs.” (Kusler). Immigrants want to have better futures and have better support for their families. Immigrants have the same hopes and dreams that the citizens of the United States have so they aren’t any different from them. They should be able to follow their dreams and get what they