Arctic Essays

  • Differences And Similarities Between The Arctic And Tundra Wolf

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    loyal beast; these traits describe a cunning wolf. The Arctic and Tundra wolf must endure the freezing, snowy weather of the arctic. They both must prey on animals to survive. Both have light colored coats to camouflage into their surroundings. But what makes them different? The Arctic and Tundra wolf are both in the same classification, however there are many differences in physical appearance, diet and habitat that prove apparent. The Arctic and Tundra wolf are both placed under the same classification

  • Resource Extinction In The Arctic

    1693 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Arctic, though it is also an ocean, is widely considered to be a geographical area that extends outwards from the North Pole to the Tree line (the imaginary line drawn on the map above which trees cannot grow due to the harsh climate). According to this definition, the Arctic includes both the Arctic Ocean as well as certain parts of the eight Arctic states. It covers an area of about 5.5 million square miles and is home to a plethora of animal species. Prior to the 20th Century, extreme weather

  • Arctic Ecosystem Research Paper

    859 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine a world with no Arctic ice cap, no Arctic animals, and no Arctic ecosystem. Climate change, which is also known as global warming, is taking a toll on the Arctic ecosystem and endangering many different animal species and wildlife living in the Arctic. To understand why the Arctic animals as well as the Arctic ecosystem is threatened, an understanding of climate change is needed. By definition, climate change is the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth, mainly due to the burning

  • The Role Of Climate Change In The Arctic

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    The Arctic has a great impact on the world 's overall climate, and the rapid increase of temperatures is dramatically altering the world 's environments. The change is altering ecosystems, animals, indigenous people, as well as other areas. Climate change should be one of the world’s most pressing issues, because of the effects on the ecosystems and future generations. If these conditions were to continue at the rate in which it is increasing then soon it will be too late to do anything about it

  • Research Paper On Arctic Riches

    491 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Arctic’s Riches The arctic is warming about twice as fast as anywhere else in the world. This could cause some problems. This could kill many things, and destroy the arctic’s environment. It may sound hard to believe, but global warming has brought us something good. The ice melting has caused mostly bad things, but some good things as well. That one good thing, can change the world. Global warming is melting the sea ice in the arctic, it revealed many riches, but it is way harder to mine

  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Article Analysis

    615 Words  | 3 Pages

    wilderness for drilling of oil purposes will solve the US and its dependency on foreign oil. Through this article, Democratic congressman Edward J. Markey, alongside Representative Nancy Johnson, discuss the reasons for which they want to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or the ANWR, and other wilderness reserves from being developed on and industrialized. This wildlife reserve has been labeled as being one of the most magnificent reserves found in America. Unfortunately, people want to encroach

  • Compare And Contrast Haia And Inuit

    314 Words  | 2 Pages

    Haida and Inuit Comparison Essay It must be hard to live up in the Arctic Circle or in British Columbia, but somehow the Haida and Inuit know how to survive up there. Although the Haida and Inuit are different, they have many similarities. They share a remotely similar lifestyle with what they eat, hunting methods, and trading. But remember that they are very different from each other. Both of these tribes face many challenges in their life, like hunting, trading, and making tools. The inuit

  • What Are Invasive Species

    1235 Words  | 5 Pages

    Invasive species This refers to the animal and plant species as well as pathogens, which are not native inhabitance of a given land. The introduction of these animals to a new land is not recommended because of the harm they cause to the existing living organisms in that place (USDA). The invasive species create a significant change in an ecosystem in terms of constituents and the need for food and production. Initially, we have an ecosystem that has been balanced in terms of food chain and food

  • Arctic Tundra

    1745 Words  | 7 Pages

    Tundra, Arctic Tundra, and Alpine Tundra are the 3 main types of tundra. The Arctic Tundra is found north of the “snowforest” or taiga belt in the Northern Hemisphere and has only 2 seasons in the polar regions. A winter season and a summer season. Permafrost refers to the frozen soil of the tundra in the winter season. This permafrost (map of the arctic tundra) area reaches down to Canada and Russia (the taiga

  • Global Warming Vs Polar Bears

    1509 Words  | 7 Pages

    Stocks, or groups of polar bears, are distributed throughout the Arctic. They are known to be long-lived creatures. The ability to replace individuals is very limited and the population growth is extremely slow. The Population fluctuates in response to natural factors like climate and prey availability. Their population can be impacted by hunting, oil spills,

  • Do Polar Bears Keep Warm

    790 Words  | 4 Pages

    They are warm-blooded mammals, yet they live in the freezing Arctic. They have a thick coat of fur as well as a thick layer of fat under their skin, these both are very good insulators. One of the most interesting things about polar bears are their hairs. Polar bears actually have two types of fur: long oily guard

  • Pandas And Grizzly Bears Similarities

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pandas and Grizzly bears There are many ways pandas are different compared to grizzly bears. There are differences in where they live, their natural habitats, and personalities. Pandas and grizzlies are found in different parts of the world. Pandas live in around 20 isolated habitats in Gansu, Sichuan, and Shaanxi provinces in China. Grizzly bears are mainly found in North America in Western Canada, Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and small areas in Washington. Pandas and grizzlies live

  • Essay On Canadian Shield

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    in this region can be described as having longer winters and shorter summers. There is a wide variety of wildlife in the canadian shield landform. Some of these animals include the Peregrine Falcon, the Golden Eagle, Barren Ground Caribou, and the Arctic Fox. These animals live in this region because they can stand the cooler

  • Endangerment Of Polar Bears: Article Analysis

    939 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this article by the U.S News, Diane Cole expresses the endangerment of polar bears throughout global warming and climate change. This article describes how polar bears are having trouble finding food because of the hot climate. The hot temperature has been melting sea yearly. Stating that polar bears rely on sea ice, it has been crucially life threatening. This article has relevance to my critical analysis because it shows the consequences of global warming and how it has a notable effect on polar

  • Grizzlies Food Chain

    306 Words  | 2 Pages

    The grizzly native home is in Alaska. They live in the arctic tundra, the dense forest and sometimes in the meadows. Grizzlies live in these habitats because there the most that they can adapt to. Grizzlies also go threw hibernation and this is when they stuff themselves up with food and sleep for all winter

  • Grizzly Bears Research Paper

    454 Words  | 2 Pages

    happened in Yellowstone with the wolves, reintroducing grizzly bears could have great effects on the ecosystem. First, according to, “Grizzly bears are found many different habitats, from dense forests to subalpine meadows, open plains and arctic tundra.” And according to Western, “Grizzly bears are most often found on upper elevation slopes.” Both these quotes show that grizzly bears can be supported well in the local San Bernardino and Los Angeles Mountains. In addition, grizzly

  • Cause And Effect Essay On Global Warming

    814 Words  | 4 Pages

    Climate change is the most pressing issue at the moment over the world. The cause of climate change is caused by natural causes and people. Global warming is caused by Appliances, deforestation, and fossil fuels. The climate is changing rapidly and we need to do something. The global climate change and its consequences are leaving a bad impact on the countries to face poverty and hotter temperatures. Climate change impacts include temperature rise, greenhouse and carbon dioxide gas emissions, erratic

  • Grizzly Bear Essay

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    Grizzly Bear The Ursus arctos horriblilis mostly known as the Grizzly bear is a mammal and an Omnivore. At around the height of 2 meters it is a historic type of bear. It is famous for it’s massive claw’s and it large intake of food per day averaging at 30 kilo’s. As omnivores, Grizzly bears will eat anything nutritious that they can find, gorging foods ranging from roots to sheep. Their diet adapts depending on what foods are available for the season. The Grizzly bear is one of the biggest and

  • Summary Of Monsters Are Due On Maple Street

    713 Words  | 3 Pages

    Polar bears are considered one of the cutest animals in the world and are adored by thousands of people. Not only are they adorable, but they are also going extinct because of the warming temperatures in the Arctic. But what mankind does not know is that warmer climate isn’t the only thing killing off these animals; it’s truly cannibalism. This surprising truth is revealed in a similar way in Rod Sterling's short story, “Monsters Are Due On Maple Street.” The story takes place in an ordinary neighborhood

  • Why Do Polar Bears Live

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    Could you imagine going from the warm sunny beaches of Florida to the harsh winters of Antartica? It would take some serious adaptions to be able to survive in such drastic changes. Anglerfish and polar bears have made some pretty sufficient adaptions that allows them to be where they are today. If these organisms were not capable to make such vital changes they would not be here today.      The anglerfish are some harsh and scary fish, but they do what they need to survive. Anglerfish are gray to