experiment was to understand the function and formation of biofilms in bacteria and explore their role while infection occurs in the host. Biofilms have become more prevalent in hospitals and adhere to instruments used in medical procedures and even dry objects in hospitals, for example hospital curtains. The bacteria that form these biofilms can be dangerous to humans, for example Staphylococcus aureus, a methicillin-resistant bacteria. [1] Biofilms are a group of microbial cells that are surrounded by
Microbe-to-microbe attachment, structural heterogeneity, complex community interactions and genetic diversity. Dental plaque is a microbial biofilm. As with any biofilm, the constituent microbes are firmly adherent to each other and to an oral substrate by means of an extracellular matrix, i.e, slime layer or glycocalix, into which they are embeded3, 14. The microbial populations in biofilm have 2 ways that facilitate them to effectively survive within their community. The first is a high rate of reproduction for
Overall, the results of these experiments provided the desired overview of Pseudomonas fluorescens as well as giving insight into the importance of adaptive radiation and biofilms. The initial results showed that as expected the diversity of both the wrinkly spreader and smooth strains generally increased over time both arising from the wrinkly strain and the smooth strain. While the data for this experiment was gathered from a larger group of laboratory studies, the overall trend remained the
human body that normally provides non-shedding surfaces for microbial colonization; this facilitates the development of thick biofilms, particularly at stagnant sites. Thus, in this way, the host provides unique opportunities for biofilm formation in the mouth, and a secure haven for microbial persistence. Oral environment determines the constituent species of dental biofilm and the variation between individuals. The oral environment, in turn, is determined by factors such as genetics, age, diet,
The attachment of E.coli on the surfaces of epithelial cells pertaining to urinary tract is achieved throughout several bacterial adhesive proteins. In parallel with biofilm formation of pathogenic E.coli on animate and inanimate surfaces, the secretion of exopolysaccharide occurs. The most important VFs which are found in UPEC strains are recognized as capsule, fimbriae, pili, flagella, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), hemolysins
Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria Introduction Until recently, Antibiotics are medicines used to avoid and give bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance happens when bacteria alteration in comeback to the use of these medicines. Bacteria, not humans or animals, become antibiotic-resistant. Bacteria could infect humans and animals, and the infections they purpose are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance leads to greater medical costs, long hospital
Bacteria is a serious issue people all around the world face today, and it is an issue that needs to be discussed. Bacteria is smart and dangerous. It has the ability to change into diffrent forms. In fact, according to article "Doctors Enlisted to Turn the Tide on Antibiotic Resistance" and "A Spray That Stops Bacteria From Talking to Each Other Could Reduce Dependence on Antibiotics" some microbes are changing faster than antimicrobials can kill them. As a result, people can contract a bacterial
important bacteria species studied among patients suffering from CF. It’s ability to form a glycocalyx and prevent the host’s white blood cells to attach and phagocytize the pathogen also contributes to its importance of a pathogen. The formation of a biofilm communicates to the bacterial colony that it is being attacked by antibiotics and to mutate to adapt and survive. The mutation of the bacteria to form an alginate to protect it from environmental stresses as well as the ability to release powerful
Two varieties of pomegranates named Rabab and Hasibi which are harvesting in Yazd (Iran), have been used. Fruits were peeled and dried up under sunlight. They were washed with sterile distilled water. The dried rinds were grinded into a fine powder by Mixing grinder. The aqueous extract was prepared by dissolving 1g of dry extract with 20 ml of sterilized distilled water, so the final concentration of extract would be 0.05 g/ml, from this solution other concentration were prepared (0.1-0.2) g/ml
The key purpose of this lab experiment was to identify an unknown bacterial culture using variation of tests we learned throughout the fall course. By using a flow chart that is placed in the back of the Microbiology Lab Manual to guide us throughout the process, will help solve the unknown. It certainly took weeks for identifying the special characteristics of each one of the organism that would help lead to the unknown plus how it can impact with the environment around us. Following the tests and
from Streptococcus mutans which is essential for the pathogenicity shown by it in dental caries. Glucansucrase converts sucrose molecules to glucose molecules and uses it for production of the biofilm chain. Thus the inhibition of this enzyme can prevent the long chain formation and in turn prevent biofilm formation typical in dental caries. (Ito K. et al, 2011) [54]. A variety of -glucans polysaccharides such as dextran, mutan, alternan and reuteran are synthesized by glucansucrase. The difference
development(11). The essential role of dental plaque as a primary etiological agent responsible for periodontal disease was established since the 1960s(12).Chronic periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, initiated by the dental biofilm. Hence it is characterized as a microbial dental biofilm-based infectious disease(13). It is recognized that bacterial adhesion to host tissues is an important factor and prerequisite for colonization of
Staphylococcus epidermidis is the organism that was identified based on the tests that I had conducted. The tests that I used to identify this organism were the coagulase test and the catalase test. My bacterium was beta hemolytic as well. First, a gram stain had to be done to determine whether the organism was a gram positive organism or a gram negative organism. This determined which set of tests that had to be done. My bacterium turned out to be gram positive. When conducting these tests,
tonnes per year. Using chitosan as a food preservative allows for reuse of this waste, making its use environmentally beneficial; while also reasonably cheap and cost-effective in production and usage. - Its biodegradability also allows chitosan biofilms to be beneficial to the environment. - The chitosan film has antibacterial and antifungal properties, meaning that it ultimately prolongs shelf-lives of the foods which it coats. - As chitosan film is a polysaccharide which physically coats the
December 22, 2012 Dear Diary, I am your typical Streptococcus mutans. That name can be a little bit of a mouthful so I like to go by Carie. I am gram positive cocci and an anaerobe. I love to break down sugars to use for energy. Today was my first day in my new home! I came here on a form of travel called a spoon. My old host licked a spoon to taste some weird mush and then fed me to her baby so now I am in this fabulous new place! So far I really like it here. This mouth does not yet have any teeth
surgical approaches. Non surgical approaches comprise plaque control, supra and sub gingival scaling, root planing and the adjunctive use of chemotherapeutic agents. Non surgical therapy’s object is to get rid of both living bacteria in the biofilm and calcified biofilm microorganisms from tooth surface and adjacent soft tissues. A decrease in inflammation of the periodontium due to a decreased bacterial load leads to advantageous clinical changes. Using personal oral hygiene methods, non-surgical therapy
Task 6 Produce an illustrated article for a magazine that examines E. coli structure, growth conditions and curves and how it colonises a new environment. (M2) Structure E. coli consists of an outer membrane which contains lipopolysaccharides, a periplasmic space with a peptidoglycan layer, and an inner cytoplasmic membrane. Some strains of bacteria are pileated and capable of accepting and transferring plasmid to and from other bacteria and such property enables the E. coli under stress conditions
Introduction What is Dental caries? Dental Caries can be defined as a disease where the hard tooth structure (dentin, enamel and cementum) become damage due to bacterial processes. It forms through the interaction between fermentable carbohydrates and acid producing bacteria, and other host factors such as the teeth and saliva over a period of time (Featherstone, 2008). Where the producing acids dissolve the mineral of the enamel and dentine, which can lead to tooth destruction. The two major groups
1.3.3 Methods of the measurement of DNase activity In 1950, the first method of the measurement of DNase I activity was described by Kunitz196. He isolated and precipitated DNase from fresh beef pancreas and isolated thymus nucleic acid. He found that the cleavage of DNA by crystalline DNase is accompanied by increase of absorption (at 260 nm) of UV light. This spectrophotometric method of measurement of the rate of the increase in the light absorption was then used for estimating of DNase activity
non surgical approaches. Non surgical approaches include plaque control, supra and sub gingival scaling, root planing and the adjunctive use of chemotherapeutic agents. Non surgical therapy aims to eliminate both living bacteria in the biofilm and calcified biofilm microorganisms from tooth surface and adjacent soft tissues. A reduction in inflammation of the periodontium due to a lesser bacterial load leads to beneficial clinical changes .In addition, non-surgical therapy aims to create an environment