Full-time Essays

  • Descriptive Essay On The Jones Farm

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    Think back to when I told you there were things that can go wrong no matter what during lambing season. This was one of those times. It was about two years ago, there was an ewe that was struggling with birth, so we took her into the shed. When we went to get the lambs out my mom pulled her hand out after having no luck and everything followed. The ewe had a uterine prolapse

  • Why My Hero Is My Mother Essay

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    have even if they look kind of bad. My mom has had some tough times when she

  • The Pros And Cons Of Paying College Athletes

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    abide by them may result in loss of scholarships. Students from all over the country have dreams of playing a college sport because the chance of them playing professional sports would increase tremendously. These students have put a lot of effort and time in training for competitions in the games they play in addition to that they are obligated to keep up with their academicals. They have suffered along the way with multiple injuries that led to early retirement and shattered dreams. Even though college

  • Adderall Argument Paper

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    other drugs like it for relief, but something should be done to avoid this illegal use of the drug and help students in more practical ways. Much is expected of today’s school attendees. Students are expected to be involved, have friends, get a part-time job, and aim for a good night of sleep, all

  • Recovery Reflection

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    Pt. met with Primary Counselor after dosing for her monthly individual session. Counselor started the session respectfully greeting her and praising her for her excellent recovery progress as indicated by her clean UDS. She agreed to sign her Record of Service sheet. For the first 20 minutes Pt. and counselor went over his previous treatment plan and any recovery concern. Counselor and Pt. discussed her recovery progress; possible side effects of her prescribed methadone medication and current emotional

  • Ciressa Merhige: A Short Story

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    It’s a great program. Unfortunately, both times he left the program before his year was up. I couldn’t understand why someone would want to choose being homeless over having a full belly, a safe warm place to live and no financial responsibility. To myself that seemed ludicrous, who in their right mind would do such a thing? That’s when it hit me! He’s not in

  • A Career As A Writer's Career

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    Every 2 in 3 writers are self employed and can make money for themselves. This job is expected to grow by 8% in 2026 (“Writer” Career 2). When I graduate, I want to be able to write my own stories and be able to publish them- even if it isn’t for a full time job. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up yet, but I know that I want it to be something that involves English. A person can do many things with an English Major. They can be a journalist, creative writer, script writer, and so much more

  • Female Empowerment In Kate Chopin's The Storm

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    nineteenth-century institutions” (40). Calixta’s relationship with Alcee is a sense of freedom, even though during this era she’s supposed to be the happy housewife, she puts that aside to what really makes her happy. After the storm passes and its time to say their goodbyes, her true happiness shines though as the sun comes out. “He turned and smiled at her with a beaming face; and she lifted her pretty chin in the air and laughed aloud” (Chopin 560). This is what gets Calixta past the storm with

  • Argumentative Essay On Student Debt

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    Society often believes college is a necessary experience for a better future, but I argue that the future will not be any better when student debt becomes a part of life for those who follow that mainstream belief. Most parents often dream of the great colleges and universities that their children will get accepted into; however, they fail to think of the cost to attend those institutions. Financial aids! Financial aids! Yes there are financial aids that students can apply to lessen the student debt

  • College Athletes Should Get Paid Essay

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    All the time, hard work, scheduling, effort, dedication, and more. When you are in college playing a sport there are a lot of sacrifices that have to be made and time committed to that sport. College athletes spend most of their day training and practicing to get better, which leaves them very little or no time to do other things they enjoy. According to the article “This Study Proves Just How Much Time College Athletes Spend On Their Sports”. “40-hour work weeks are the norm in most professions

  • Becoming An Anesthesiologist's Assistant

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    to be employed at is British Columbia because it’s not too far away from Alberta and it’s a nice place. This job is a pretty good paying job you get 56$ per hour, 8000$ a month, and 95,000$-180,000$ a year. My job has flexible work times you’re able to work full time, but you are also able to work part

  • Definition Essay Work

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    not see it that I am doing my very best, even if that requires no leaving the office till 6 at night when we close at 4, that I did not get the lunch break, also that while I am working there I am also a full-time student in college. While all these things can make me question my sanity at times I am so glad that I do have a job and work while I go to college. It has taught me so many more things than I ever thought was possible, even on the days I want to quit. My parents always told me, “Nothing

  • College Athletes Get Paid

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    college athletes it helps them with handling their money. It teaches them money management at a young age. Others may say that college athletes shouldn’t get paid because they are given scholarships. The only problem is that according The New York Time they say that “ The average athletic scholarship is less than a $11,000 a year”(Zissou). This is not for kids who are going to community college or anything. Theses kids are going to division one college, which are very expensive. Most of the athletes

  • What Does A Typical Day Look Like For Someone Working In This Field

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    Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks work long hours to meet deadlines at the end of the fiscal year. This includes during tax time or when monthly or when yearly accounting audits are performed. These work conditions involve bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks work in offices like many occupations involving a lot of paperwork. At times, bookkeepers who work for multiple firms may visit their client’s place of business. Often they work alones, but sometimes they work together

  • Examples Of Courage In Times Of Adversity

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    forever and to deal with problems and work past them since. However, six years ago I realized even with that belief, periodically you must find the courage deep within you to do some “do something”. I believe the courage to do what is necessary in times of adversity, however intimidating or challenging, is deep within you and you must step out and find that courage. Married to a man who turned out to a controlling narcissist for 25 years, proved to be harrowing. I jumped when he came home, our

  • College Tuition Should Be Free Essay

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    “42% of college students in the United States fail to complete their degrees. Of those 42%, 15-25% will drop-out, and the remaining 17-27% will leave college, for reasons that are less clear.” There is obviously something wrong with our education system as a whole for so many students to drop out of college. Yet, individuals believe that college tuition should be free, and paid for by the government with taxpayer money. Secondary school should not be free because it should not replace the education

  • Theories Of Social Work Supervision

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    When these roles and responsibilities are set, each person gets to know what is expected of them, when and how. Everything gets done on time with less time and energy wasted because with each person doing something it becomes easier for both to finish whatever duty is in front, and in supervision there is always something that needs to be

  • Stereotypes Of Women Today

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    as if they are incompetent when they are successful in their line of work. They aren’t able to show emotion in the workplace because they will be seen as weak and emotional. Our emotions often get based on us being “on our period” or it being “that time of the month.” Some men think it’s funny to shame a woman based on something she isn’t able to control. Men will shame a woman’s clothing and when she is harassed, its blamed on the way she dressed. Women have to deal with sexual harassment and gender

  • Mckinsey Summary

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    Schulman became the highest paid lawyer at DLA Piper in her time working there. Although the case study never specifically talks about Schulman’s salary negotiations I find it hard to believe this happened without Schulman negotiating her raises and asking for more. I think this reinforces the idea that a leader

  • Essay About Difficult People

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    Difficult people are always satisfying themselves by pushing other people and forcing them into insanity. Whether they know about their negativity or not, they are capable of creating stress and turning each environment into one, which is full of complexity. Science has shown that stress negatively impacts your mind. In fact, facing stress even for a few days, can affect the activity of the neurons, present in your hippocampus, which is the part of the brain responsible for the memory and the ability