Pollination Essays

  • The Effect Of Pollination On Bees

    314 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bees preform about 80% of pollination worldwide and a single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers each day. Bees are responsible for pollinating most of humans foods, too. One third off all of our food depends on bees for pollination. Less bees means no almonds, less coffee, less alfalfa, and more expensive fruit and vegetable prices. Since the late 1990’s, the disappearance of bees has been widely observed. The reason bee colonies have been collapsing is due to air pollution, habitat destruction

  • Pollination Of Bees Essay

    1198 Words  | 5 Pages

    In terrestrial ecosystems, bees play an important but barely recognized role as pollination seeing flowers are their main food source. Pollinators strongly influence ecological relationships, ecosystem stability, genetic variation in the plant diversity, specialization and evolution . Bees’ great numbers, physique and behavior appears to be dominating the production of seed, fruits and crops for us or the animals to consume. Other goods that bees produce are brood, honey and wax are prime food source

  • Essay On Bees Pollination

    1112 Words  | 5 Pages

    important role in pollination and the maintenance of natural plant communities. During millions of years, there is a complex interdependence between bees and most of the flowering plants which shows that bees and plant belong together. However, due to the using of agricultural pesticides or the climate changes, many bees loss to “colony collapse disorder” which may bring far-reaching impacts on world’s food supply and biodiversity. Bees are one of the common pollinators in animal pollination. According

  • Pollination Of Honey Bees

    317 Words  | 2 Pages

    We depend on bees to pollinate our food-producing plants. Without bees transferring pollen from one flower to another to pollinate it, crops and plants will not become pollinated and bear fruit. Some of the fruits and vegetables that rely on pollination include watermelon, apples, pears, strawberries, almonds,

  • Pesticides Affecting Honey Bees

    800 Words  | 4 Pages

    University of Florida says “the honey bee is credited with approximately 85% of the pollinating activity necessary to supply about one-third of the nation’s food supply” (Sanford 1). Over 50 major corps rely on honey bees for pollination (Sanford 1). Without the pollination, the crops will not get what they need for them to grow and produce. With this result, a majority of crops may be lost. According to Justin Moyer, a reporter at the Washington post, “The USDA estimated that honeybees add more

  • Cuckoo Bee Pollinators Research Paper

    1835 Words  | 8 Pages

    Cardelle 1 Caroline T. Cardelle Mrs. Shores Science October 19, 2016 The Cuckoo bee Pollinators are very important in today`s world. Plants wouldn’t grow as wonderfully as they do without them. The white house said pollinators contribute more than twenty four billion dollars to the United States. Pollinators also help in the production of seventy five percent of crops and eighty percent of flowers. (Xerces Society) The cuckoo bee is not pollinating on purpose. That’s not what it does for

  • Colony Collapse Research Paper

    609 Words  | 3 Pages

    bees are crucial to many ecosystems as pollinators. (Gifford, 2011) According to Dr. Ann Bartuska, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics, about $15 billion of crops can be attributed to honey bees’ pollination every year. Bees account for the pollination of so many fruits and vegetables humans eat and can easily obtain every year. With this disorder looming over bee colonies around the world, things that we eat everyday will become hard to obtain.

  • Bees Argumentative Essay

    459 Words  | 2 Pages

    raise and sell their crops there. Patricia E. Salkin states, “Urban bees provide important pollination services to community gardens, home vegetable gardens, and fruit trees.” Not only will it help neighbors’ goods and plants, but it will help others’ gardens and plants as well. Bees can provide a steady ecosystem that benefits both them and the peoples’ gardens and plants surrounding the bees’ pollination area. Maintaining bee gardens can also be a hassle and bees might become aggressive and harm

  • Why Did The Bee Decline

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    essential for our ecosystem, bees are vital for pollination , which include alot of fruits , vegetable and honey production . they are also important for our economy . for example in the U.S. , the benefit of pollination is of 15 billion dollars each year , and more than one million bee colonies are needed for pollination . In Canada , a third of the human diet comes directly or indirectly from insect-pollinated plants . The benefits of pollination in Canada is 2 billion dollars each year . that

  • Why Are Honey Bees Decline

    1306 Words  | 6 Pages

    beehives. Farmers haven’t necessarily noticed a decline in pollination of crops, because the decrease isn’t as apparent yet, but the Californian almond fields have. The fields usually require around 1.8 million bees to have a successful harvest, but since the incredible amount of bee losses in the last decade or so, farmers have had to export healthy bee colonies nationwide (). If the problem persists farmers of all sorts of plants that need pollination will have to export bees or not even get the amount

  • Colony Collapse Disease

    2017 Words  | 9 Pages

    In the autumn of 2006, farmers began to notice a loss of 30 – 90 percent of their bee hives. Loss of bee population over the cold seasons is common, but never had the decline in population been that drastic (Stress and Honey Bees). Colony Collapse Disorder is the event in which bee colony populations rapidly decrease. In this phenomenon, the bodies of the missing bees are not found and the only remaining bees are juvenile and the queen. Noticeable symptoms of CCD are: absence of adult bees in the

  • Colony Collapse Disorder In Honey Bees

    925 Words  | 4 Pages

    the pollinators that most of our crops depend on to set fruit. Honey bees are so important, in fact, that we have them to thank for 1/3 of the food We eat, including 80% of our fruits and vegetables. Crops that are highly dependant on honey bee pollination include avocado, almonds, kiwi and apples. But, Nowaday the shrinking of bees population related to human activity, such as pesticides, urban development/rural encroachment, radio frequencies, global warming etc.Recording to some experiments, Non

  • Killer Bees Persuasive Essay

    1260 Words  | 6 Pages

    The first thought that comes to mind when someone mentions bees: summertime nuisances and painful bee stings. It is what bees are famous for, but their impact on society is so much bigger than that. Pollination from bees is vital to creating a large number of the foods people eat. Honeybee honey has many healing properties, and a large number of medicines across the globe use it. The use of pesticides and the destruction of their natural habitats are killing bees, despite these being fairly solvable

  • Honey Bees Research Paper

    428 Words  | 2 Pages

    in nature has a purpose. Even the smallest of animals like a honeybee are necessary to maintain balance. According to Maria Boland, author of In the Trees, Honey Bees!(2009), the honeybee has been the most valuable insect for thousands of years. Pollination helps at least 30% of the world’s crops. More than 16,000 beekeepers transport their bees around the US to help crops. Without bees to spread pollen, many plants would die off. Many of our favorite foods are supported by bees. Honey bees are also

  • The Negative Influence Of Honey Bees

    2071 Words  | 9 Pages

    Honey bees are an important species, because they play a crucial role in food production. The best example of the important role honey bees play is in pollination. Pollination is extremely important because it is one of the necessary steps in crop growth and development. Without honey bees, there would be a drastic decline in the production of crops and the revenue that those crops bring. Due to the relationship

  • Honey Bee Population Research Paper

    929 Words  | 4 Pages

    In recent years, scientists have come to realize that the honeybee population has been dropping at a substantial rate. This is a problem not only in the United States, but throughout the world. The current fear is that food crops will be devastated because there are not enough bees to pollinate the existing crops. Honeybee decline is occurring for several reasons. However, current research shows a promising future. Congress has the power to fix this problem that could have a devastating effect on

  • What Causes Bee Extinction

    1642 Words  | 7 Pages

    Together, canola is good for bees, and bees are good for canola. Together, they are good for the health of our environment Bees are kept busy and they attend to many of their jobs that benefits us, as individuals. So with that being said, without pollination done by bees, there would be less production of biofuel. We would then rely more on fossil fuels which will not benefit our environment. In addition, we could possibly run out fossil fuel supply and face a troublesome event. Along with canola oil

  • Argumentative Essay On The Role Of Jurassic Bees

    668 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jurassic Bees The environmental risk that we chose was, the fact that bees are dying at an alarming rate, and only a few are trying to stop it. According to the article, “The Role of Bees”, “If wild pollinator declines continue, we run the risk of losing a substantial proportion of the world’s flora” This quote is important because one the pollinators die out, so do we, because they make most of our foods. And bees, are the best pollinators because in the process they also make honey. According

  • Hornet Research Paper

    490 Words  | 2 Pages

    plays a vital role in our community and although it might seem scary it is a helper. When a hornet lands on a flower it gets pollen on itself. Then it flies to another flower carrying the pollen to that flower. This process is called pollination. Pollination makes it so flowers and plants can reproduce. When the pollen lands on the new flower it joins with the reproductive organ of the opposite sex which will eventually create

  • Bee Species Research Paper Outline

    1264 Words  | 6 Pages

    Sophia Tran ENGL 1202-52 Formal Outline Thesis Statement: Many people think bees are a nuisance or are even afraid of them; however, bees are essential to our ecosystem. It is estimated that bees pollinate about a third of the food we eat, as well as food for other creatures. Without bees our food sources and ecosystem would be impacted greatly. So why are bees disappearing? It is important for us to look at how our behavior affects other species and actively protect bees before they become extinct