Probation Essays

  • Juvenile Probation Officer Narrative Report

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    County Juvenile Probation Department. Unfortunately, my internship did not start until the end of March due to a departmental audit. However, the experience and exposure I got within a month was enough to give the insight and information I needed in order to truly understand the job of a juvenile probation officer. What I had previous read in educational books regarding juvenile probation does not compare to the knowledge I gained when working with the Taylor County Juvenile Probation Department. During

  • Minimum Sentencing Case Study

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    Sentencing and corrections policies should embody fairness, consistency, proportionality and opportunity. Sentences need to be commensurated according to the harm caused; ergo, measuring the effects on the victim, the community, and the rehabilitative needs of the offender. Objectives require balance in selecting correctional options that meet individual offender needs to contribute to crime reduction and prevent recidivism. Policies that affect long-term consequences of criminal convictions,

  • Essay On Jury Duty

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    evidence making her responsible. The judge gave the defendant’s a 30-day appeal to legality. However, she had to check-in at least once a month with her attorney or the court so that they could keep track of her and ensure she was following her probation and had no need to go back to jail or court for a future

  • Headhunters Research Paper

    266 Words  | 2 Pages

    Personally, interacting with headhunters can be a little intimidating and exhilarating at the same time. You may be offered a position you are not looking for or even interested in, but emotionally it can feel good to be desired by someone else. Most times when a headhunter is perusing you it is for a reason, and they normally highlight your attributes or characteristics that would benefit their cause. When replying to a head hunter, it can be very difficult to keep emotions out of the message

  • DYT: Protocol Procedure

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    of probation. POs were then given 2 weeks to prepare a sobriety plan. A list of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings, treatment providers, and other support mechanisms were provided, and probationers were informed of testing timing and protocol sanctions and incentives. Phase 1 random weekly urine tests. A color procedure was used in which probationers called in daily to see whether their color had been chosen that day. Probationers were required to report to their probation office

  • Probation Paper

    504 Words  | 3 Pages

    state of probation has been brought to my attention as a sanction for offenders that is in desperate need of repair. Probation is currently an overwhelmed sanction for offenders, that does not have enough resources to fund the appropriate amount of probation officers. Because of the lack of adequate funds and appropriate caseloads I believe the state of probation is currently in a bad place. While agencies and corrections departments have been working on creating the best form of probation that they

  • Importance Of Self-Awareness

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    The importance of self-awareness in the social care practitioner In this assignment, I will be discussing the importance of self-awareness in the social care practitioner. Self-awareness is defined as: ‘the process of getting to know your feelings, attitudes and values. It is also learning about the effect you have on others’ (Burnard,1992). To build on our positive qualities, we need to understand our characteristic’s and be aware of any negative ones that may interfere with effective practice.

  • Misdemeanor Probation

    1232 Words  | 5 Pages

    Currently the number of individuals on supervised probation is $3,290. The number of individuals on misdemeanor probation is $1,593. The average cost have to have one individual on probation is $1.38. The average cost for the entire population of people on probation is $4,540.20. “It has become conventional wisdom that America’s prisons are too full, and prominent elected officials on both sides of the aisle

  • Probation Officer Classification

    1538 Words  | 7 Pages

    The probation and parole officer conducts counseling interviews with assigned cases according to approved counseling techniques in order to determine and clarify probationer problems; suggests constructive methods for addressing such problems; and consults with supervisor when necessary. The probation or parole officer contacts public and private community agencies to secure their aid in attempting to solve probationer's problems. Continuing and ongoing relationships with agencies are expected.

  • Essay On Probation And Parole

    2618 Words  | 11 Pages

    PROBATION MODEL LEX SPRINGER C.O.S.T.A.T.T   Parole Model Parole is defined as the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the maximum sentence period. The word parole originated from the French which meant "voice" or "spoken words". This has come to mean an offenders promise to act as a law abiding citizen according to rules and regulations in exchange for release. Essentially parole means that the offender is released from prison prior to the

  • Juvenile Probation

    1029 Words  | 5 Pages

    Probation is known as a front-door program that helps participants avoid going to jail or prison; it also serves as a second chance for offenders to get their lives back together. I was wondering, though—does probation really work for youth? Do those who undergo probation receive rehabilitation so they won’t commit future crimes? Also, what is it like to have someone who is a youth in the criminal justice system? What services do they receive? I believe that probation officers are the best chance

  • Compare And Contrast Parole And Probation

    561 Words  | 3 Pages

    Parole VS. Probation What is parole and probation? Parole is usually served after a prison sentence. The offender is required by the parole board to meet with his or her parole officer. Whereas probation, is managed by a probation officer who checks in daily. Probation takes place prior to jail time and sentencing. Although both share the similarity of breaking indiscretions, there are a few differences. Unlike parole, probation is a sentence that is issued by the court. An offender is placed on

  • Swot Analysis Of Victor Frankl

    1987 Words  | 8 Pages

    Complete Name: Seminar Student Name: Waddell, Sonya ********************************************************************************************************** 1. There are 6 questions and each question requires a minimum of a 250 word response.  In addition to the speaker, hyou should support your responses with at least 4 outside sources.   ********************************************************************************************************** 2. Discuss in detail what Victor Frankl says

  • Probation Officer Responsibilities

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    Responsibilities of a Probation Officer Name: Institution Affiliation Responsibilities of a Probation Officer Explain the responsibilities of a probation officer? The probation officers have a wide array of responsibilities that entail: a. Continually evaluating and gathering the backgrounds of the offender, the history of the offense and present behavior to evaluate the re-offending risk. The Probation officers then determine the focus and the intervention level to be able to assess

  • Becoming A Probation Officer

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    Probation Officers Probation Officers watch over and work with people who have been convicted of crimes, but were not sentenced to jail time. Instead of going to jail, the criminals/offenders are given a probationary time where they must obey everything set forth by the judge. If you wish to become a Probation Officer there are many things you must do to achieve your goal. To become a Probation Officer you must have a college degree. It is also required that you have at least 4 years of college

  • Pros And Cons Of Probation

    792 Words  | 4 Pages

    The word “probation” is derived from the Latin word “probatus” meaning “tested” or “proved” (Chakrabarti, 1999). Hence, Probation is defined as a sentence or adjudication of conditional and revocable release under the supervision of a probation officer. Probation is a sentencing alternative to incarceration which permits the offender to remain in the community under certain conditions (Ellsworth, 1996). Probation system was introduced in criminal justice with the intent of reforming and reintegrating

  • Probation And Parole Essay

    457 Words  | 2 Pages

    Probation and parole are two forms of community supervision that are used in the United States criminal justice system. While both involve monitoring convicted offenders in the community, there are significant differences between probation and parole. Probation is typically ordered by a judge as part of a sentence rather than a release from incarceration. Probation is a legal status that requires the offender to abide by certain conditions imposed by the court. These conditions may include things

  • Probation Officer Essay

    476 Words  | 2 Pages

    my current role as Probation and Parole Officer, I have learned and gain a lot of experience with the Delaware Court System. While supervising individuals on level 2 Domestic Violence, level 2 interstate and current case load standard level 2 and pre-trial supervision, I have gain a lot of experience with the different court systems which entails, Family Court, Court of Common Pleas, Superior Court, and Justice of Peace. When the court orders an individual to serve Probation, It is my duties to

  • Essay On Probation Officer

    716 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am investigating a probation officer 's because it is a field choice in which you provide support and guidance to help legal offenders, both juveniles and adults, readjust to society but helping them identify and solve their problems. I have always been interested in law enforcement and a career I always kept in mind was a probation officer because I love kids and I love helping families. I also want to be that role model for those who don 't have that and i want to be the support and example for

  • Probation Order Essay

    559 Words  | 3 Pages

    d. Probation Order This option is frequently used by the Magistrates’ court, in circumstances where the offence is trivial or the character of the offender or nominal punishment is sufficient. A probation order places obligations on the offender, which in turn protects the public from harm from the offender and prevent the offender from the commission of any further offences. St. Kitts and Nevis The court can make a probation order once the charge has been proven; magistrates have to take into