Psychoanalytic theory Essays

  • What Is Testing Freud's Psychoanalytic Understanding Of Mind?

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    This essay will argue for and against with reference to empirical research whether it is possible to test Freud’s psychoanalytical understanding of mind. To answer the essay question, first, the allegations against the theorising as unscientific will be briefly introduced followed by a notion of a scientific method. Of the theories, it will be specifically Freud’s ideas of the unconscious and his methods assessing such that will be argued pro and con whether it is possible to test scientifically. It will be argued how Freud can be scientific particularly by the formulation of contemporary cognitive science language. Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, is much referred to and thought of as unscientific (Westen, 1999).

  • Psychology: Freudian Psychoanalysis Therapy

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    The Psychoanalysis therapy is a clinical method by psychological means for treating psychopathology, problems of an emotional nature, which was founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), based on the characteristic of human behaviors. Freudian psychoanalysis is predicated on the assumption that everyone has a conscious and an unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind is where we keep feelings and memories too painful to be address consciously, which causes us to develop psychological defenses to prevent these unconscious feelings from spilling over into the conscious mind. Psychoanalysis therapy forces patients to delve into these unconscious feelings through investigating the interaction of the elements in the conscious and unconscious of the mind,

  • Erikson's Influence On Personality Development

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    Personality is an essential part of every human being that impacts all of our experiences. As defined by Allport (1961), personality is “a dynamic organisation, inside the person, of psychological systems that create the person’s characteristic patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings”. Many researchers have taken interest in personality due to the impact personality has on us internally and externally, where our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours are constantly influenced by our personality which in turn affects our environment. Psychoanalysis has had a great influence on our understanding of how personality develops and the importance of each factor, where concepts from the psychoanalysts are still in use today. The psychoanalysts are

  • Psychoanalytic Theory: Theoretical Perspectives

    3180 Words  | 13 Pages

    Psychoanalytic        Theoretical Views Name of theory: Psychoanalytic Theory Founder of the theory: Sigmund Freud View of human nature (include innate capacities/capabilities and motivational constructs): Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as being deterministic and influenced by both sexual energy and instincts (Corey, 2017). He further identifies that soon after birth instincts drive our desire and force internal motivations into the reality of which we live. Although unconscious desires are the driving forces of existence in the beginning, it does not remain the only force through out our lives. We begin to develop into a conscious being as we recognize the world around us. Our external world introduces the conscious mind by showing us moral code, paternal expectations, and presumptions of societal ideology.

  • Disadvantages Of Voyeurism

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    .Treatments. In the cases of voyeurism, where significant potential for negative consequences poses a concern, the need for the long-term therapy and monitoring must be emphasized. According to DSM 5, the severity levels of stress, social and personality development impairment resulting from voyeurism conditions are also variable depending on each individual's temperamental and environmental conditions. Therefore, the treatment choices and options take into consideration the specific needs of the patient and the severity of the effects.

  • Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Of Personality

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    3. Psychoanalysis: A Synoptic View 3.1 Freudian Psychoanalytical Theory of Personality Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of personality argues that Human behavior is the result of the interactions among three component parts of the mind: the id, ego and superego. Conflicts among the parts of the minds shape behavior and personality. These conflicts are mostly unconscious.

  • Structuralist Theory Of Structuralism

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    In this paper, we thoroughly analyze the speculations of Structuralism, which was structuralism created out of early attempts to set up brain science as a different discipline from philosophy and biology, and Functionalism , which was produced by American therapists because of the hypothesis of Structuralism. Furthermore, this discussion incorporates the commitments and significance of these theories to contemporary psychology. SERIAL NO. STRUCTURALISM FUNCTIONALISM 1. Structuralism depended on the thought that the task of psychology is to examine consciousness into its essential components and research how these are connected.

  • Analysis Of Sigmund Freud's Theories Of Personality

    912 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sigmund Freud is famous for his theories of personality. He believes the personality is composed of three elements, the Id, Ego, and Super ego. The Id is a primitive and instinctive component of the personality. But here are contrasts between ego and super ego; the functions, the influence it provides and the development of the systems. First the functions of the emotional and rational personality.

  • Self Concept Essay

    705 Words  | 3 Pages

    Self is also associated with notions self-concept, self-esteem and identity. Self-concept emerges from us, as a product of our self-reflexive activity. Rosenberg (1979 cited in Stets & Bruke, 2003) defined self-concept as the sum of the thoughts, feelings, imaginations about who we are. Further Epstein (1973 cited in Gecas, 2011) defines self-concept as a theory individual holds about self after experimenting, functioning and interacting with the world. Self-concepts are the mental constructs of the object of self, “me” which includes the cognitive, attitude and evaluative judgments about the desires, wishes, inferences, and how others act towards ones’ self (Oyserman, 2012).

  • Freud's Theory Of The Subconscious Mind

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    The existence of the subconscious mind is widely believed to have been first discovered by Sigmund Freud (1900) . He stated that the subconscious mind is like a big storehouse for repressed desires that is exclusive to each individual and they’re shaped by your life experiences, your memories and beliefs that can’t be deliberately brought to surface. For example, our basic instinct like urges for aggression and sex are contained in the subconscious mind and do not reach our consciousness because we see them as unacceptable to our rational and conscious selves. They are a part of your mind that you can’t access by your own will, a portion of minds that sleeps within you but in some ways affect your thought processes, behaviours and actions in

  • Freud And Jung Similarities

    1005 Words  | 5 Pages

    SIMILARITIES IN THE PSYCHOLOANALYTIC AND NEOPSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY There are some similarities in their theories, they both based their theories on the assumption that the mind or psyche is divided into the conscious and the unconscious. They both these terms in the same way: the conscious refers to that which is readily available while the unconscious is essentially irretrievable or things that we are not aware of. Jung was still attached to his Freudian roots; he emphasized the unconscious more than the Freudians do (Boersee 2006: 16). Their concept of the id and the shadow were also quite similar despite the change in name.

  • Summary Of Sigmund Freud's Psychological Theories

    720 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born in 6 may, 1856. He is an Austrian neurologist, He lived in Vienna and worked as a doctor of medicine at the University Of Vienna in 1881. Nazis were the main reason why Freud left Austria in 1938, and he died in United Kingdom in 1939. The Psychodynamic is originally Freud’s Psychoanalysis theory and another theories that is based on his ideas.

  • Wundt's Role In Psychodynamic Research

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    Mind and Matter; each substance has a defining attribute. For Mind it is thought and for Matter it is spatial extension, both interacting within the brain - the question is how do these two domains interact with each other? Psychobiology comprehends this space between the psychical aspects of the mind that we can see and touch and the just as real immaterial realm where our thoughts and feeling are held. The philosopher Wundt’s importance lays with his separation of psychology from philosophy by analysing the workings of the mind in a more structured way, with the emphasis being on objective measurement and control. Wundt's aim was to record thoughts and sensations and to analyze them into their constituent elements (in much the same way as

  • Essay On Personal And Collective Unconscious, By Sigmund Freud

    774 Words  | 4 Pages

    Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrists, was interested in which symbols and common myths were able to seep into our thinking on both conscious and subconscious level. Initially working with an Austrian psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, in the late 1800s both agreed with the significance of recurring themes in people’s dreams. However, Jung and Freud took different paths with the disagreement of sexuality driving other’s personalities. He wrote The Personal and Collective Unconscious to demonstrates his views regarding the psyche and how it influenced other parts of other’s personalities. In contrast, Freud placed much emphasis on the sexual origins in his patients’ personalities and was unwilling to consider any other viewpoints.

  • Theme Of Psychology In The Scarlet Letter

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    "No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true. "(Hawthorne, 211) The Scarlet Letter, based in the 1600s, is said to be “America’s first physiological novel” because it represents the true facets of sin and guilt of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale.(PBS) The main subject, Mr. Dimmesdale, holds the principal conflict in the novel and is the true meaning of “human frailty and sorrow”.(Haw., 46) Author Nathaniel Hawthorne incorporates many psychological aspects relating to the bewildering character of Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale and the repression of sin he holds throughout the novel.

  • Characteristics Of Extraversion In English Language

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    English language has become the second language in Pakistan in order to have contact with people from other countries. Learning English Language as a second language is not easy as it needs a lot of practice and exercises. According to Carl Jung’s people personality can be classified into 3 criteria which are extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition and thinking-feeling. However, in this research, only one criterion will be studied which is extraversion-introversion. The trait of extraversion–introversion is a central dimension of human personality theories.

  • Freud's Theory Of Id Ego Analysis

    1362 Words  | 6 Pages

    In 19th century, Sigmund Freud discovered the psychoanalysis theory that has constructed a foundation about understanding the relationship between preconscious, conscious and unconscious minds later (Freud, 1904). From a psychodynamic point of view, Freud confident that human personality is dominant by the unconscious parts of our personality those we neither have responsiveness nor power over it; besides, Freud also discover a personality model to explain the connection of the minds by using id (unconscious), ego (conscious) and superego (preconscious) (Feldman, 2010). Freud (1923/1960), Freud used his personality structural model as an analogy to explain human mind where id represents our pleasure principle; ego represents our reality principle;

  • Ego Defense Mechanism: A Psychological Analysis

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Psychoanalyst and personality theorist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), described anxiety as a feeling of danger and threat to which the ego must respond. Even though the original threat, emanates from the psychic energy of other parts of the personality, id and superego, nonetheless, a protection or defense must be launched. “The ego must reduce the conflict between the demands of the id and the strictures of society or the superego” (Schultz & Schultz, 2013). It is the ego that decides the best way to satisfy the impulses of the id and superego, choosing one or two defense mechanisms to deploy within its’ behavior.