Essay On Absolute Poverty

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POVERTY Poverty is studied as two different concepts by the researchers and sociologists , which are absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty-The idea behind this concept is that the basic conditions that must be met in order to sustain a physically healthy existence .People who fail to meet these requirements for human existence, such as sufficient food, shelter and clothing - are said to live in poverty. The concept of absolute poverty is seen as universally applicable.The other concept is relative poverty which basically says that poverty can be measured universally as some goods for a country might be neccesities and for another may be luxaries therefore poverty is a relative concept varrying for place to place. One common technique used in attempts to measure absolute poverty is to determine a poverty line, based on the price of the basic goods needed for human survival in a particular society. Individuals or households whose income falls below the poverty line are said to be in poverty. In india this method is used which recognizes individuals and families as above or below the poverty line according to the …show more content…

Low income countries suffer from inadequate health facilities, and when they have hospitals or clinics, these hardly serve the poorest people. People living in low income countries also lack proper sanitation, drink polluted water and have a much greater risk of catching infectious diseases. They are more likely to suffer malnourishment, starvation and famine. These factors all contribute to physical weakness and poor health, making people in low income countries to exposed to illness and

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