Argumentative Essay About Same Sex Marriage

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RAINBOW BATH(?) Stigma. Incivility. Discrimination. At some point society will make you ask this kind of question, “Am I in the right bathroom?” In a liberty-loving world, there exists the primacy of human rights. Fists are held up with might, and brave hearts willing to fight, hoping that the flag of hope they have been raising for years will never cease to fly, and incessantly flaunting all shades of color standing for their identity and intrinsic worth. 26th day of June when the US Supreme Court handed the LGBT community a huge victory with the 5-4 ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Now, Filipinos are confronted with this issue pressuring our predominantly Catholic country. Are we ready, yet? Is same sex marriage …show more content…

With all the issues about violence and discrimination against the LGBT community, Khyienne is so much grateful that she and her girlfriend haven’t had a taste of it. Never. “But with both me and my girlfriend coming from families of strict Catholic roots, to say that it has been and will be a long and hard struggle would be an understatement.” Still, she stressed that this kind of treatment that most of our LGBTs have been experiencing for years will always remain inevitable whether Same-Sex Marriage is legalized or not. “It won’t stop discrimination and/or violence, per se, but it could hopefully open up avenues to develop a further understanding into the homosexual psyche which might boost awareness and for the lack of a better term, and would possibly fuel people’s acceptance of the LGBTs.” Moreover, since the Philippines is deeply rooted in the Catholic faith and in the event that Same-Sex Marriage will be approved, according to her it still won’t be an easy task to dispel the discrimination of homosexuals since this has thrived in our country for generation after generation and has apparently become a source of entertainment for

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