
Argumentative Essay: Gun Control In America

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Gun Control In the world today gun violence has skyrocketed. From tragic massacres like the one in Sandy Hook, and the shooting at the movie theater in Colorado to gun violence used my many cops in the shooting deaths of many unarmed men. Many innocent people are dying because of the obliviousness that America has to this issue. There needs to be stronger gun control throughout the United States, because the U.S. has weak gun laws, the background checks are ineffective, and too many mentally ill people are getting a hold of guns. America has weak gun laws and needs to follow in the footsteps of other countries by making harsher gun laws. Many countries around the world have started to put strict gun laws and measures in place. "England and Japan, which have some of the tightest gun control measures in the world, also feature some of the world's lowest gun homicide rates (per 100,000 people, 0.04 killings and 0.03, respectively). The United States, by contrast, has a rate of 3.42 gun murders per 100,000 people, which is 100 times greater than England or Japan"(Friel, 2013). In Japan the gun laws state, "no …show more content…

has weak gun laws, the background checks are ineffective, and too many mentally ill people are getting a hold of guns. Massacres and tragedies keep reoccurring throughout America at the hands of guns. The reason of blame falls on the shoulders of the U.S. because the government is inept to the fact that the gun laws are not strong enough, the backgrounds checks are useless, and that mentally ill people are getting a hold of guns. If gun violence is to decrease in America there needs to be immediate action taken by the government to make stronger gun laws, harsher and effective background checks and ban all mentally ill people from owning a gun. These can be the steps taken by the government of the U.S. to create harsher gun control and a safer environment to live

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