Mlawa Personal Statement

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My name is Medani Maneno Mlawa. I was born and raised in Tanzania and currently studying in China. Therefore, my behaviours and actions are based on Tanzanian cultural beliefs, norms, values and mentality. After I graduated my high school I decided to go study in China. Regardless of knowing anything about Chinese culture. I have been living in Beijing for one and half year already. I have experienced many challenges and learned many new things.
Tanzania is country located in Eastern of Africa. It is a beautiful country with many traditional values and different ways of lifestyle depending on ethnic groups. My country has more than 120 ethnic groups and ethnic group has its own different way of practising their culture. I am from an ethnic group called Zaramo. The zaramo people are found along the eastern coast of Tanzania.
The norms and values that my ethnic group has, is different from other tribes. It is different in terms of how we greet people, Traditional dance, food, music, language, customs and beliefs. In Tanzania, due to many ethnic groups, one language was formed called Swahili.
Throughout my stay in China, My social-cultural beliefs, values and norm was not affected much with my cross-cultural understanding and …show more content…

Do not hug, back slap or put an arm around someone's shoulder. Note however that the Chinese generally don't have the same sense of personal space that North Americans do. It's not unusual for people to almost press up against you while speaking to you. Try to relax and not show how disconcerting it might. Do not point the index finger--use the open hand instead. Do not use the index finger to call someone-use the hand with fingers motioning downward as in waving. Do not snap finger. Do not show the soles of shoes. Do not whistle. Eye Contact, Maintaining eye-contact with your business partner will help communications. Staring or absence of eye-contact would mean

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