Essay On Surrogacy In Hong Kong

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The advancement in human reproductive technology brings hope to infertile couples and surrogacy is one of the methods to help these couples. Surrogacy is a form of assisted reproductive method in which a woman carries a child in her uterus on behalf of another person or couple. In Hong Kong, commercial surrogacy is against the law whereas only the infertile couples with the certification and approval from doctors are permitted and no commercial dealing should be involved. Although some people oppose commercial surrogacy, it offers a business opportunity and hope to infertile couples and singles in Hong Kong, therefore, commercial surrogacy should be legalized. Ethical problem concerning life being destroyed is brought from commercial surrogacy. Surrogate mother gets pregnant through the method called “In vitro fertilization” (IVF) which refers to an egg being fertilized by a sperm outside the body. The fertilized egg is then implanted into the uterus of surrogate mother. …show more content…

These children may be confused when they are dealing with the problem of surrogate mother and genetic mother, according to study conducted by the Centre of Family Research at the University of Cambridge (2013). They may feel abandoned and have higher chance to develop into other emotional problems during their adolescence. Their relationship with parents may be affected. However, from the research conducted by Jadva&Imrien (2013), it shows that 77% of surrogacy children know the presence of their surrogate mothers and keep in touch with them. Most of the surrogacy mothers maintain a close relationship with the family of surrogacy children. Those surrogacy children can enjoy a double of love and caring through this relationship as they are treated as sibling or half sibling by surrogacy mother’s children. Their relationship with genetic parents is not affected, but instead they may support their genetic parents’ decision on

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