The Importance Of Cooperative Learning

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There are many implications that go along with the teaching profession contrary to what people think about it being teaching the lesson, students are passive learners and the job is done. The school and the parents have a lot of contributing factors that affect the teaching and learning process which also includes the classroom dynamics and student characteristics are also important aspects when it comes to teacher planning and student learning. Teachers need to take all of these into account to ensure that teaching and learning has taken place.

Contextual factors in the Mauritian education are the traits of the learning environment that has an effect on the usefulness of instruction. The first contextual factor is the students’ characteristics. …show more content…

Collaborative skills like leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication, and conflict-management skills should be inculcated in our students for them to develop their intrapersonal skills which will help them in the future. Together with this, it has been reported by Johnson and Johnson (1985) and Slavin (1986) that in collaborative learning, the grouping of mixed-ability students is essential as the “gifted and talented students benefit just as much as their lower ability counterparts”. These interactions confirm the importance of preparing students to work in small groups and developing activities following the principles of the more successful peer-mediation approaches, such as co-operative learning and class-wide peer tutoring (Delquadri et al. 1986; Johnson and Johnson …show more content…

This is because these parents are either torn up due to poverty or domestic violence or simply are too busy with their own lives that they do not even care for the child’s well-being. Children from such family backgrounds

Another aspect that affects teaching and learning in our secondary schools is leadership.

To sum up, I have discussed some of the factors that affect teaching and learning both directly and indirectly. However, as an effective teacher, while preparing our lesson plans, we must take into account these factors as they directly impact on the teaching and learning at school. We should work out strategies so that none of these factors gets excluded in the teaching and learning at school otherwise we might end up achieving only half of what we have

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