Corticosteroids Research Paper

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One Research Task 2015 The Wykeham Collegiate, Life Sciences Are there conflicting opinions amongst medical practitioners about the application of corticosteroids? Caylin de Wet Table of Contents Title and Subtitle Page number Introduction 3-4 Review of Literature 5-10 Article 1: Prednisone and Other Corticosteroids 5 Article 2: Inhaled corticosteroids: managing side effects 6-7 Article 3: Oral Steroids 7-8 Article 4: Corticosteroids: Uses and Side Effects 8 Article 5: Corticosteroid (drugs) 9-10 Methodology 11-12 Presentation of Findings 13-29 Figure 1: The field in which in medical practitioners practise 13 Figure 2: Corticosteroid usage 14-15 Figure 3: Conditions corticosteroids are prescribed for 15-17 Figure 4: Reasons for or for not prescription 18-19 Figure 5: Frequency of prescription 20 Figure 6: Commonness of severe side effects 20 Figure 7: Substitution medications 21-22 Figure 8: Frequency of prescription for life saving and non-life saving wwd conditions 23 Figure 9: Benefits and side effects 24-25 Figure 10: Explanation of opinion of severity and commonness 25-26 Figure 11: Dealings with severe side effects 27 Figure 12: Extra comments 27-29 Processing of Findings 30-39 The medical fields of the medical practitioners who answered 30-31 Whether or not …show more content…

As a therapeutic drug it serves as an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and as an immunosuppressant. It has completely revolutionised skin diseases and asthma but is also commonly used for cancers, inflammatory disorders, Addison’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Corticosteroids are administered through inhalers, liquid injections, orally and in creams. Inhalers are the safest form as it is breathed into the lungs and not absorbed into the blood, therefore when not used excessively has the least

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