Importance Of Creativity In The Workplace

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Introduction Creativity and innovation are words that we cannot avoid. Whether you are listening to an arts programme on the radio, a politician urging a state service to get more done with less money or keynote speech at a business conference. You will hear “creativity” and “innovation” bandied about. The practically every case, creativity will be seem as something good, something to be desired. A business that is to reap the benefits of creativity needs the humour of the jester to challenge the way things have always been done, the inspiration of the sage to come up with new products and services and to crack difficult business problems, and the clarity of view of the artist to refine the ideas and ensure a good fit with the real business …show more content…

Therefore, companies should focus on stimulating creativity in their workplace. Approaches to fostering innovation through creativity include: 1. Encourage brainstorming. Allocate time for new ideas to emerge. For example, set aside time for brainstorming, hold regular group workshops and arrange team days out. A team involved in a brainstorming session is likely to be more effective than the sum of its parts. You can also place suggestion boxes around the workplace, appeal for new ideas to solve particular problems and always keep your door open to new ideas. 2. Reward ideation and innovation. Company can using the yellow hat method and reward the employees when is does click. Be among the 44% of companies that reward their employees’ creativity (according to the “Innovation in the MENA Workplace” poll). Motivate individuals or teams who come up with winning ideas by actively recognizing innovation, for example through an awards scheme. You could even demonstrate your recognition that not all ideas work out by rewarding those who just have a rich flow of suggestions, regardless of whether they are put into action at …show more content…

Change is ever present, and it not going to go away, it is going to get faster. There is no returning to the old days. Turmoil is not a temporary hitch in an otherwise smooth business environment, it is the business environment. If you can make your company innovative, you have the best possible chance of riding those business problems, coming up with great new products and services, countering the competition and surprising your customers by exceeding, not just meeting their demands. If you can keep your company innovative, even more of a challenge, you can maintain this position of stability in a world of turmoil. Of course it is not the old sort of stability where nothing ever changes. This is the new stability where change is a constant, the stability of a gyroscope on a pitching platform, keeping the company on the level while everything moves around it (Kjell Skogen, Jarle Sjovoll,

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