Importance Of Sportsmanship

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The Importance Sportsmanship The sports of today have the changed the way the players and coaches view the game. Starting from the professional level all the way down to the high school level, the importance of sportsmanship is huge. You wouldn’t want your kid not getting accepted or looked at just because of something as simple as a attitude fix, would you? I don’t think any kid or their parents want them to fail because of their attitude. Having a good attitude and sportsmanship for the game is something that can get you far in life beyond the sport. Starting kids young could turn out in good ways and also turn out in the worst ways. If you don’t teach your kid good ways to show sportsmanship, they are going to go all through life with bad attitudes with things. If your kid wants to play a sport, teach them the ways of the sport first and how their attitude affects the way they play. In the sports life when you’re playing the game and you seem to start getting a bad attitude it affects the way you play by making the game seem harder. The mistakes increase as your attitude increases. Sportsmanship is simple and should be taught to everyone at any …show more content…

The parents and the coaches play a part in this also. It all starts at home and how he/she acts to their parents. Being rude to someone to try and get your way is not the way to be, especially in the sports. It is so easy for the parents and the kids to get so caught up in the game that they forget how to act or end up acting like a fool. You parents are important role models and if your parents act like a fool then you’re most likely going to. If you feel or see your parents are acting up, I would pull them aside and let them know what they are doing wrong and that they need to stop. Once you see that it is okay for your elders to do it than you’ll think it is okay to act that way while you are

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