Essay On Mobile Phones Among Teenagers

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A Teenager’s Problematic Phone

The issue hit me the hardest, whilst on a bus on my way to school, listening to the worrying silence of teenagers glued to their phones; yet hearing the cries of sadness on their faces -when seeing a message filled with a storm of hatred from another human being. Nevertheless, it is becoming more common for some teenagers to not give their full attention in class- due to being tired or partly because they have been on their phone all night. In addition to that, after returning from school, we see our family on their phones in utter silence. However, this becomes daunting when days pass and you are left alone with no one to talk to. Haven 't you seen the increasing numbers of teenagers wearing glasses? Haven 't you also heard about the number of car accidents that has happened because of mobile phone usage? Therefore, we must change our habits on the phone before we encounter any more phone filled horrors.

In the present day, our phones has had a negative impact on our teenagers, such that …show more content…

Shockingly, statistics show that eleven teens die every day as a result of texting while driving. So why cannot we reduce this number to zero? Probably because our nation of teenagers has succumbed to listening to the dangers of texting whilst driving. But why? Mostly because the "so called teachers of society" in which case are the phone companies, have payed their life expenses into inviting advertising moguls to advertise their product. Therefore, intriguing the teenagers of this era about the "amazing" mechanisms a phone has. This does not seem too hard to believe really? To eradicate this blatant issue, there must be a harsher punishment for texting whilst driving as well as having more eagle-eyed police officers on duty, in order to prevent the increasing number of casualties from texting whilst

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