
Importance Of Food In America

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Food & Drink
Food in the United States is as diverse as the geography and the people that live here. Food in a big part of the culture and each region has its particular style of cooking or special dish, and each dish has a history that intertwines with both the geography and people. When traveling throught the United States, it is important to remember that just beneath the surface is actually an enormous variety of foods and traditions, some of which date back almost 400 years and little of it having to do with the sterotypical fast food.
Dinner is considered the main meal of the day, usually served after 5:00 p.m but before 10:30. Breakfast is served from 7:00 a.m. to about 10:30, with …show more content…

It is sometimes served heated with spices like cinnamon and clove, bearing a similarity in taste to wassail. It usually gets served during the last quarter of the year when the weather starts to get cool, so keep your eyes open, especially in the area near the Great Lakes, Upstate New York and New England, Virginia, the Pacific Northwest, and California, since every region has its own native …show more content…

However, deep dish pizza has been a delicious treat that has been consumed now for many years and shows no sign of slowing down: though it is most often associated with Chicago where it was born, it is served all over the Midwest.
A deep dish pizza is a type of pizza that is a hybrid between much older, traditional recipes and old American traditions for pie: it is typically set in a deep round pan and baked in an oven until bubbling hot. It is so gooey and hot when it is served that it is the only variety of American style pizza that is consumed with a knife and fork, so take care and enjoy it with a pint of beer with some friends.

Mexican food and Tex

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