Essay On Toothpaste

726 Words3 Pages


Dental stones gradually spread from the crown, dental calculus for each progress, alveolar bone atrophy some, over time, the teeth gradually loose, dental stones will be punctured needle, and gradually spread to the root parts. For the mouth, the stone is a foreign body, its existence itself will continue to stimulate the periodontal tissue and oppression of the gums, affecting the oral local blood circulation, resulting in periodontal tissue infection, causing inflammation of the gums atrophy, the formation of periodontal bags. When the periodontal bag formation, food residues, plaque and stones and other more easily deposited, further damage to the deeper periodontal ligament, so the result of a vicious cycle, and finally …show more content…

develop good oral hygiene habits. Insist on brushing, at least twice a day, every 3 minutes. Brushing teeth is a simple and effective way to prevent the formation of calculus. The deposition of calculus is caused by less and more. Often brush your teeth can be just beginning to deposit on the tooth surface of the tartar, toothbrush in time to brush off, take preventive measures. Recommended soft toothbrush, choose the right toothpaste.

2. Every six months to conduct a comprehensive oral health check, in order to timely detection and positioning of dental calculus, as soon as possible through professional oral cleaning to clear.

3. Eat less fine food, such as biscuits, cakes and so on (fine food viscosity, high sugar, easy to deposit on the tooth surface, not only easy to form dental calculus, but also cause dental caries)


Dental stones great harm, the difficulty of removal is also great. It should be noted that, because the teeth after the teeth will become rougher (remove most of the teeth, plaque), if you do not pay attention to develop good oral hygiene habits, even after thorough cleaning, dental calculus is still easier Deposited on the surface of the teeth, come back. Therefore, against the harm of the oral health of the great devil, we must keep a long war mentality, can not be taken lightly, while paying attention to develop good oral hygiene habits, so that dental stones "nowhere to

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