English As A Link Language In The Era Of Globalization

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The paper endeavors to study mainly three aspects concerned with globalization, English, and Translation Agencies: (i) the role of English as a link language in the era of globalization (ii) translation services and employability (iii) requisite qualities of a translator in online market.

1 English as a Link Language:
The spread of English in the global era seems to be an object of delight not only for an enthusiastic English teacher, but also for all lovers of English in all corners of the world. English is used globally in almost all fields of human thought and activity including literature, Fine Arts, law, psychology, medicine, science, technology, media, and cultural studies. In a Master’s Dissertation at the Department of English, University of Turku, Finland, Annika Hohenthal writes:

English has become a world language, spoken at least by 750 million people. It is more widely spoken and written than any other language…It can, indeed, be said to be the first truly global language. English is nowadays the dominant or official language in over 60 countries.1

While the global era is chiefly characterized by fast communication, the role of English becomes very significant in the present context. English becomes a link language in monolingual communities and in multilingual countries like Belgium, Switzerland and India. In countries like India where English is used in the parliament, judiciary, broadcasting, education and research, it becomes a link language effectively

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