Compare And Contrast Essay On Healthy Food Vs Unhealthy Food

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Advertisements of Unhealthy Food v. Healthy Food
In this time and day, families find themselves getting busier and busier by the minute. As their children grow older and become more involved in activities such as sports, music, or volunteering around their community, parents find themselves having less time to sit down and prepare a home cooked meal. Parents tend to stop at cheap restaurants as they run their children to and from school and after school activities, stopping to grab a quick bite to eat before they continue on their way to their activities. Parents find this cheap and fast alternative easy on their wallets and easy to satisfy their children 's hunger. Almost anywhere you look, you can be sure to find some type of advertisements for these big industries. But, in this upcoming time and day people have started to question truely how much these industries target and supply unhealthy food without caring …show more content…

Jason Rehel talks about this in his post on the National Post website. In this article, he talks about how, “Harvard researchers examined 27 existing studies from 10 high-income countries that included price data for individual foods and for healthier vs. less healthy diets” (Rehel). From what I have learned healthier foods cost significantly more than unhealthy foods. When the two types of foods were compared in 200 calorie chunks and at large a whole days meal. The healthier food was found to be more expensive than the cheap dinner meals. Those test concluded that eating healthier can save families of four up to $550- $2000 a year. Eating healthy has other benefits besides saving you money in the long term. The healthier you eat, the lower the chances that you will be affected by heart disease and or obesity. Next time you have the option of a greaser burger or a salad, remember that spending the few extra dollars on the salad, can save your life from lifelong illnesses and

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