Importance Of Tourism In Telanga

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3. THE NEED FOR THE STUDY The Telangana region in Andhra Pradesh has always been neglected as tourism destination, in spite of having a good number of tourist attractions. There have been many studies on various aspects of Telangana, like Microfinance, Microenterprises, Tribal development, Dalit movements, Small and Medium Enterprises, Agriculture, Beedi rolling, Child labor problems, Women entrepreneurship, Self Help Groups, etc. But, unfortunately very little has been researched and written on tourism development in Telangana region. In fact, tourism of Telangana region remained under studied subject. The profiling of both domestic and potential tourists has not been taken up seriously. Not much research has been undertaken to discuss, …show more content…

The perceptions of both the domestic and potential tourists need to be understood properly in order to offer suggestions for tourism development. Varied buying habits, demographic factors, economic levels, travel decisions and intent to return to a particular destination, of the domestic tourists needs to be known. A well understood and well served tourist may contribute a lot for the development of the economy of the region. As there have been no studies on tourist motivations in the region, tourism promotional activities cannot be taken up, causing a serious problem to the development of tourism. A serious study on the tourism in Telangana is the order of the day to help the region, compete with the neighboring areas like Andhra and Rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh. Credible and good quality research is desperately required to clearly understand the main charactestics of tourism marketing mix elements ( Product – Price – Place – Promotion) of Telangana, visa – a visa the changing trends in domestic tourism market …show more content…

Innovative tourism products are not being planned and developed. Infrastructural facilities at the existing tourism destinations are not being improved. Tourist-orientation in terms of satisfaction, value for money and security has been ignored. And ultimately, the tourism in Telangana has become a rudder-less ship sailing in no direction. This suggests that there is a desperate need for original and contextual research in the area of tourism in the

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