Poor Choice Making In Senior Living

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Note: It is also vital that each of us find a compelling purpose or direction in our senior years. That clear pathway can help us enjoy life more fully because we feel drawn to serve a larger cause than just staying home to care only for ourselves. Senior adults find great joy and fulfillment when they learn new skills, volunteer for special causes, engage in extensive travel, or even find new employment. Keep active and be a part of your community.

• All Issues above attempt to focus on a full wellness lifestyle for healthy living

• Wellness means we seek better health and well-being by being proactive as we focus on selecting practices that improve the quality of our daily lives

• We open our minds and hearts to habits and behavior that enhances our …show more content…

Supplement 2, Chapter 1


A Catalog of Poor Choice Making in Senior Living

• Maintain a large weight gain that does serious harm to your health

• Poor management of hard-earned financial saving with poor spending habits

• Not weighing the value of volunteer roles that serve the needs of others

• Spending too much time in sedentary living with its loss to good health

• Failure to take sufficient initiative to develop close ties with extended family members and holds grudges that never goes away

• Paying insufficient time and attention to build a close bond with your marriage partner until you drift apart

• Turn away from an opportunity to develop a deep personal faith and community ties. Spends lots of time alone, developing bitter attitudes

• Choosing to drive an automobile far past the time in life when you should stop driving and ride with others

• Never developing a serious exercise program that helps keep your body in good health or developing muscle strength

• Hanging on to your anger and offense by close relatives and failing to resolve the conf licts of the

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