Robots In Space Exploration

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Robot is a mechanical devise designed to perform the work generally done by a human being (The Columbia Encyclopedia 2013). According to Giancarlo (2012, 1) the origin of the word “robot” dates back from 1920, when the Czech writer Karel Kapec published his science fiction play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) dealing with artificial men built for performing work in place of human beings. Not so long ago, in the last century, robots were just imagination and nothing else. Nowadays robots are becoming part of peoples’ lives. But will robots improve our lives or destroy them in the future? Good or bad, robots will inevitably impact on human life. This essay will describe robots’ in space exploration beneficial impact on some areas, such as …show more content…

Robots in space exploration may help in discovery of new worlds. Nowadays we have fast growing population of people. But what is earth’s capacity to carry people? For instance, population in China became a real problem, because now there are some laws that prohibit people to have more than one child in family. In the near future earth will be full and there will be no free space on the Earth and that may cause many problems. Also it may cause some ecological problems. That is why people may need additional place to live. So here robots comes, which will discover space vast to find new place to live. Today rovers are sent to the Moon and Mars to explore them. In the nearly future, people will send rovers much far to discover places with earth-like temperature, ecology, atmosphere and nature. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.” So, like the Starship Enterprise there will be robots that will explore not only our solar system, but whole Milky Way …show more content…

There are many impacts, but here are some of them: robots are much safer, much faster, much cheaper and more productive. People have exposure to radiation and have no endurance to temperature fluctuations, while robots have. Also when sending people to space, they need to return back on Earth and this requires additional finance, while robots do not need to return back, but only if they have some valuable materials. The next difference is that it takes much less time to construct robots, than to find people, to train them and to recover after each flight to space. Although robots have some problems with power supply, robots do not spend time for sleep and have no bodily fatigue like humans

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