Role Of Role Play In Primary Education

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Design a role play activity for students in the third course of Primary Education.
The role-play activity "What is my job?" takes place in the English subject, integrating the area of Social Sciences, and developing speaking, listening & writing English skills. The activity is intended to expand the vocabulary in English about jobs, focusing on generating a conversation with simple structures and the use of the vocabulary learned.

LEVEL 3rd of Primary Education
AIM - To learn and practice jobs and occupations vocabulary.
- To generate conversations and develop the speaking with questions and answers.
- To practice the use of speaking related to greetings, introductions and presentations.
- To lose …show more content…

/ I am…
- What do you do at work? / I do…
- What do you like about your job? / I like to…
CLASS ORGANIZATION Groups of 6 – Individually – Whole-class
MATERIALS Markers and whiteboard; paper and pencils; character cards, worksheet charts, chronometer.

TIME REQUIRED 1 session – 50’
PROCEDURE The teacher gives each student a card assigning a character with a fictional name, an occupation, and a brief explanation of his job. The role-play consists of the students participating in a party (5 groups of 6 people) during 20 minutes and as guests they must present themselves with their fictitious names and establish conversations asking themselves what they do, how their job is... When the parties end, each individual student completes the worksheet given by the teacher noting what they remember of the other guests and their works. Then, in whole group, the information is shared and the different jobs are discussed.
Activity development

- Before class - Materials preparation
Prepare each character card. It will contain the work title, a male and a female name (the pupils will choose the name corresponding to their gender), and a brief description of the work.

Character chard …show more content…

We will group the students in 6 and give them their cards. We will explain to them that they must choose the name on the card that corresponds to their sex and that when the party starts, they will pretend to have the occupation written on the card.

We give them an example and write on the blackboard questions that can be asked of guests and taken as a reference.

 Hello, how are you?
 My name is... / I’m…
 What's your name? /
 What is your job? / What do you do at work?
 What do you like about your job?
 Nice to meet you!
 Enjoy the party!

- In class - Role-play development - 20'
The students will have 20 minutes to meet the six guests of their party. It will be done standing, and the different groups will be divided by class.

- In class - After Role Play - 15'. o Individual activity: Each student will complete their sheet with the information they remember (5 minutes) o Whole-class activity: Review of the role play and review of grammatical practice and vocabulary

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