Causes Of Academic Stress

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Academic stress is nothing more than the stress produced by the academic environment. Therefore it is very common for stress to generate psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Therefore, academic stress is the cause of all these mental problems, which, not, allow us the proper functioning of all our intellectual capacities, causing a serious academic problem, which many students live throughout their university life, known as the low academic performance. Therefore, without a doubt, here I expose what I know most and, and researched, about academic stress, that is why I decided to base myself on the students of the careers of, Industrial Engineering, Medicine and Economics, of the icesi University, which are …show more content…

Now academic stress is associated with anxiety, because when a person does not feel prepared to face something, falls into fear and nerves, characteristics of anxiety, it is at that moment, that stress causes a mental block, For example, when a person is in a situation where they have to explain something or teach something, they may not feel prepared to express themselves before an audience, they may start to feel afraid that their ideas will not be accepted, and therefore they will be rejected and mocked, being an inability to speak and think, similarly the nervousness manifests, when people imagine such a situation. Rather, all this is produced by academic stress which generates the aforementioned characteristics of anxiety that in turn generate mental blockage, which when produced prevents reasoning and concentration, therefore leads to low academic …show more content…

Therefore, this problem is very relevant to the understanding of what is academic stress, the importance of its management in university life and what are the consequences, to which students are most exposed, to suffer during an academic period of great intensity, in the same way to handle all the consequences of stress, it is necessary to have good study habits, which is, as the student usually studies and how much time he devotes to the study, besides knowing how to handle the student loan, which comes being, how many subjects the student studies and how intensive they are. All this is necessary, take it into account to avoid having low academic performance and therefore not really intensive and heavy, studying for several subjects and therefore, this does not generate the consequences of academic

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