
The Great Influenza John Barry Analysis

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2008 AP english lang question 2 In the passage titled The great Influenza written by John Barry he talks about how scientists conduct scientific research and what it takes to be a scientist. He uses rhetorical strategies such as repetition, allusions and rhetorical questions. In the first paragraph Barry uses repetition numerous times with the words such as “certainty and uncertainty”. This is also an example of compare and contrast, he compares certainty with uncertantiy.By using these words he tells the reader that to be a scientist you need both certainty as well as uncertainty. The first paragraph also includes examples of logos; when Barry says “to be a scientist requires not only intelligence and curiosity, but passion, patience, creativity, self sufficient, and courage”. One can agree that the sentence is an example of logos because it is a logical statement that to be a scientist you have to have all of those traits. The whole passage is about scientists as well as scientific research, Barry writes with a purpose and the purpose is to tell people about scientists as well as what it takes. The second paragraph starts off with a historical allusion to Einstein, And …show more content…

If the rock is impenetrable, if dynamite would destroy what one is looking for, is there another way of getting 45 information about what the rock holds? There is a stream passing over the rock. Would analyzing the water after it passes over the rock reveal anything useful? How would one analyze it?”. His use of rhetorical questions to emphasize his point id done well and it also helps the reader to think about some questions he is asking. Although the typical reader wouldn't be able to know the answer to these complex questions because they are not a scientist it could also be an example of

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