Essay On Striving Work Environment

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and could say anything to support their own actions and behaviors. When these people tell you something, you need to check it out yourself because if you don’t you may be in trouble. I was in an unfortunate situation once in my career when my boss then, gathered some of her loyal members together and instructs them to help look for things that could be used to get me remove from the job. In a matter of days, you should have seen how many things these people came up with. They put these negative things together by lying and forcing junior workers to say things that were not true. The unfortunate thing that happened was that the top person at the top believed these people, so she went with their lying and negative ideas without taking the time to seek for …show more content…

The expectations of every organizations is that managers/leaders will use their position to help influence members toward the goals and objectives of the organization. Manager’s effectiveness will be based on several measurements; some of them are on how the manager could create and nurture a striving working environment. A striving working environment is the environment that fosters, team building, relationship, understanding, respect, inclusion and most especially communication and it is an environment that will help with innovation and creativity. The ability of the manager to create and sustain this striving working environment will depend on the manager’s leadership styles, his historical background, his perception of the job and position. If you look at my two examples above, you will see that the leader at the top of my organization has failed in this function. This was because the environment that was created and promoted did not allow for any innovation and also the leader failed to use the position to influence most employees for the common goal of the

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