Essay About Being Rich

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“Medicine is not about being rich, maybe in developed nations, you could become rich, but not here in Nigeria, where health care is one of the least important things in the Government’s Budget. If you want to be rich go and study petroleum related course. It is shorter in years and you will earn more, in fact by the time your age mates have graduated from their courses and settled down with life, you will still be here struggling with exams! So make up your minds now, this course is for those who believe in impacting lives and serving mankind and your nation honourably and with self- sacrifice. It’s for those who believe being rich is a matter of how many lives you have impacted positively not how large your pay check is at the end of the month”. Those words from my Ethics Professor in Medical school have been a guiding light for shaping my life and how I measure success both as a Medical Doctor and as a human being. One such occasion when I became even more convicted by these words was when I got involved in organizing a medical outreach to politically neglected community in my state. A …show more content…

After several visits to the community to raise awareness of the programme and sleepless nights planning the event, the day finally arrived. We had excellent outreach, screening over 500 people, treating another 120 and distributing the relief materials. As the programme rounded off the community leaders gave such a wonderful speech, thanking us for all we had done. As listened, I was so humbled by the privilege and opportunity to be a part of something like this and it dawned on me that every sacrifice I had made in time, money, effort to see this event happen was well worth it. This was indeed as my professor had said was true riches, and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life affecting and impacting people and communities this

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