The Importance Of Employability And Transferable Skills

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Modern employers are looking for candidates, who have an entrepreneurial spirit, are resourceful and adaptable, and who beyond their degree possess a range of skills, known as employability skills, which can be used in a variety of environments, like in their career. Therefore, the modern employee should seek to develop skills which will aid for the future course of his career. All people have some skills that they need in their working lives, in their studies, in school and at home. All these abilities and skills I have developed all my life from school, university and domestic interactions. "Employability and Transferable skills" play an important role in my future career. The skills and abilities that I already have are various and quite strong. In this report, I will explain my skills further and the results of SMART goals, the SWOT analysis and my LinkedIn account.

Firstly, a good communication is the most important skill in a professional environment. Good communication shows a good working attitude, creativity, personality, the integrity and abilities of a person. I believe that my written and my oral communication are very good. I have the ability to communicate information accurately and clearly. I have good pure and dynamic communication and I can write letters, reports and emails in various forms, with accuracy and clarity that is understandable to readers. Ι communicate with courtesy, diplomacy and discretion. Also,

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